~ the call ~

15 2 0

Ava's POV:

I pick up the call, hoping it's not one of those stupid scam callers.

"HElLo?" I say with a huge voice crack.

"Um. Hi, Remember me?" he speaks back.

Once again, I recognize the very familiar male voice.


"Oh, well, you called me once, and basically ghosted me" he continues

"ghosted you? excuse me, I don't even know you!" 

"you don't remember? YOU'RE the one who called me!" he replies in a quite confused tone.

I recall the moments, and remember the mysterious number I found ,and the following events. I then understand what he meant by "ghosting him".

"OMG, you! Hahaha" I laugh hysterically.

"may I know why you're laughing?"

"Well, I didn't ghost you, I was interrupted by my boss, i was at work lol!" I reply while trying to control my laughter.

"ok.. where do you work to be exact?" he asks curiously.

I then go silent, coming to reality. I'm basically speaking so openly to a complete stranger! I don't know what made me do so. I feel that it's not right to reveal these details to a stranger, but oh well, I guess I'm just a stupid teenager.

"at a café ." I reply

"I see that you were quite hesitant to say that, don't worry I'm not a perv."

"and why should I trust you?" I reply playfully.

"Well, I guess it's only fair if I tell you a bit about myself."

"I'm Ethan...

He's that guy, he's the guy that gives me butterflies, he's the guy that ordered the croissant in the black SUV. 

oh my god. It's him. 

, and I think you're Ava?" he says.

I gasp, so hard that I almost spilled my coffee. How does he know that? 

Oh yeah, I told him that.

"Its.. It's you, you're that fine-looking guy-"

"excuse me, is that how a barista should behave towards a customer?" he giggles.

"hahahahha" I burst out laughing, so loud the couple behind me gives me a deep stare.

"I hope you're not in public, cause if you are, you're embarrassing yourself big time."

"oh yeah, I'm definitely not in public"

We click instantly and continue talking.

"I'm coming tomorrow to the café, to pick up a croissant, just like the first time, but this time, I'm coming in-person." he says.

I get instant butterflies that very moment. I'm definitely getting the order counter shift tomorrow.

"oh, can't wait!"

"I feel something between us."

I go silent.

"It's like I've known you since pre-school."

"getting a bit un comfy, aren't we?" he continues.

That very moment, that very moment.. Lola and Jae come towards the table.

"uh, uhh I gotta go, see you tomorrow!"

"oh, I was a bit too much-" I cut the call to him saying that.

"Hi Jade! Did you grab your drink?"

"Oh yes! me and Lola got matchas!" she replies.

"Only difference is that I have a extra cream" Lola exclaims.

I'm still on my phone, I save Ethan's contact to "Ethan 🥐🦋 ". I don't know why I did that, usually I'd save a guy's contact as "hot guy no3" or something that goes by that. But this dude just felt special.


"did I miss something?" Jae says curiously.

"Yeah, you seemed busy.. speaking with someone"  Lola says while sipping her matcha.

"Yeah a lot actually."

"WHAT?!" Lola almost spits her sip of matcha

"ahh, is it about a boy?" Jae guesses

"Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah pretty much, you're as red as a tomato!" Jade says while controlling her laugh.

"not surprising" Mai says while taking a seat at the table.

"SPILL the TEA, Aves" Lola smirks

I tell them everything. About the butterflies, about the straight-forwardness, about everything I  found extremely attractive in him. They basically were cheering for me the whole time I was explaining.

But by the time I was done explaining, all our cups were clean, not a surprise though.

"I'm getting us donuts, be right back!" Jae says while getting up from the chair.

Lola then starts a new topic about her spring trip to Bora Bora. After her ranting, Jae reaches back with 4 donuts in a tray.

We enjoy the donuts and chat a lot more, till 11:45 am. That's when Jade's boyfriend picked her up. And since Jade was gone, the three of us also decided to go home.


Lots of hints for new chapters in this chapter lol! - anna <3

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