~ cherry blossoms ~

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Ava's POV:

6:45 AM

Today's the first Saturday since spring break, and I woke today to the thought of completing my spring bucket list.

I run to my desk and grab my journal, and flip to the page where I wrote down my spring bucket list. I decide to check out the things I already did.

That's when I remember that I didn't yet plant the daisies I brought yesterday

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That's when I remember that I didn't yet plant the daisies I brought yesterday. I run downstairs to check if my mom has any extra plant pots lying around.

I spot my mom in the kitchen island doing some work in her laptop. 'Wow she must have  a lot of motivation to wake up this early to complete her work.' I think to myself.

"Good morning Aves" my mom greets me.

"Why do you seem to be up so early?"

"Nothing much mom, but I just remembered I didn't plant the daisies i bought yesterday!" I reply.

"Do you have any extra plant pots lying around mom?" I ask.

"Oh yes sweetie, just check the cupboard in the garden patio. Take any you like, but don't mess up anything!"

"Don't worry mom! I won't. Thanks!" I kiss my mom and sprint towards the backyard patio.

I open the cupboard to find it perfectly organized. I search through the pots and finally found this little white flower pot. I dust it and grab it back to the kitchen. I take the daisy seed packet and sprinkled a bit of the seeds and slightly dampened the soil. Then, I took the pot and placed it in my mom's little flower table in her garden.

My mom walks into the patio and smiles at my random impulsive thought to plant a daisy. She pats me as a proud parent and walks back into the kitchen. I follow her but to my bedroom.

I once again open my notebook and realize that I did write down "see cherry blossoms bloom". That's when I remember that my neighborhood park does have cherry blossoms, and it must've started to bloom already!

I smile in the thought of the blooming cherry blossoms as they're such a marvelous sight to witness. Just to check another thing in my bucket list I plan to ride my bike on the way to the park.

By now the time is already 7:15 AM and I decide to go to the park at 8:00, so I rush to my bathroom and to get freshened up; I brush my teeth, did some slight morning skincare and took a shower. I usually am not the type of person that takes showers in the early morning but today I just felt to take a shower.

After freshening up, I run downstairs and see my dad making some breakfast burritos, and he made 3 servings (for me, mom and my dad). I greet my dad morning, and went to my parents bedroom, because that's usually where my puppy Max hangs out. 

Like I guessed, Max was lying on my parent's bed next to my mom, just as I enter the room, Max runs to me and greets me with great excitement. He brings his favorite toy to me so I'd play with him. And can you say no to cute puppy eyes? No you cannot.

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