~ reality check ~

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Ava's POV:

I slap myself thinking of the dumb decision I just made. I fix my smile and go back to the front counter.

He was still there, waiting for me to get my shit back together.

" sorry for whatever just happened ,how would you like to pay, Ethan,, uhm .. * SIR* "

"You don't have to be formal Aves, I'll pay through cash"

How did he know my nickname!?? Aves?! Uhm .. yes pls!!
I think mr Ethan right here was flirting with me forgetting we're at a public place. Since I don't want to get fired I played my professional act.

He payed and took a seat at the table he was previously sitting at, while I was almost entirely melted. I badly needed a reality check cause Ethan was making me fall into a trance.

"Darling, I'd like my regular" the kind old lady who was my first ever customer said at the counter.

"Just a heads up sweetie, but your face is as red as blood" she added.

Yep, that was my reality check.

"Oh! I'm so sorry miss!" "Your order will be coming right up." I said while passing the order sheet to my work bff Laila.

Laila took over my side of the counter and I got the chocolate croissant for Ethan. I wrapped it in our crepe paper and wrote "Ethan" on it.
I added a little heart next to his name ,and set the croissant on a tray and passed it to the order pick up counter.

I added a little heart next to his name ,and set the croissant on a tray and passed it to the order pick up counter

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While I was getting the other orders ready, I noticed that Ethan hadn't come to pick his croissant up. I looked towards the direction he was sitting, and saw him writing something, I figured he hadn't known that his croissant was waiting for him to be picked up. He caught me staring at him, but I think I was fast enough to look up so that he'd not notice.

I grabbed his chocolate croissant and the kind lady's order and decided to give it to their tables. I walked toward Ethan's table and gave him his croissant. He gave me a soft smile that almost killed me. But he didn't bother to interrupt me because he saw that the café was getting busier.

"Have a good day gorgeous" he said while I was about to leave.

"Thanks, you too" I said while trying not to make it to obvious that I was going to evaporate any second.

I gave the kind old lady her banana bread and expresso, and I learned that her name was Linda!

I rushed back into the kitchen as the café was getting busier and knew there were probably some coffees for me to brew.

I heard a voice call out my name while I was about to make my way into the kitchen.

It was him, Ethan. He called to say bye as he was leaving.

My shift today was only till afternoon so I got to leave work early, I walked home with Laila.
She stayed at my house for a good 30 minutes to catch up. 

"Ava, I got to get going, my family's got plans set for the evening." Laila exclaims.

"Oh, ok Lay I'll drop you off, since I have some errands to run." I reply

"Aww thanks Aves."

I drop Lay off at her house, and drive to the nearest grocery store. I park my car at the parking lot and grab a shopping cart. I open my phone to check the list of grocery items my mom sent me.

I enter the shop and start picking up the items from my mom's list, after I finished shopping for my mom, I decide to buy myself a some sunscreen and other skin care products.

While I'm checking out, I notice a little stall owned by a young girl selling flowers, I suddenly remember that to plant flowers was one of the thing in my spring bucket list. So I planned to buy myself some daisy seeds to plant later in my garden. I smile at the thought of my daisy flowers blooming during the spring season.

I pay and pack the groceries into a jute bag I always carry ,dedicated to grocery shopping. After loading the groceries into my car, I walk to the little stall I saw earlier.

"Hello! How may I help you with some flowers miss?" The young lady standing by the stall exclaimed.

"Oh yes! Do you have any daisy seeds or saplings?" I ask.

"Yes, I recommend taking the seeds, they're high quality!" She says.

I buy the seeds and she packs it into a cute little package.

"Thank you for stopping buy!"

"Have a good day!" I reply.

I walk back to my car, and place the little package in my passenger seat, next to my tote bag. I start driving to the H&M store to buy myself a bathing suit for Mai's water park day. As I remember the "buy some spring dresses" written down in my spring bucket list.

I reach the H&M and park my car. I get out of my car and walk into the store. I grab their little shopping bag. And check out the items kept out in their sale section. I grab a dress from their and continue shopping.

After I finished shopping for spring clothing, I walk to the bathing suit section, I looked through a lot of  bathing suites until I found one I really liked.

It was this black high waisted two-piece bathing suite, it was pretty covered so I though it was perfect.

I grabbed a few more items and went to check out, I felt happy paying through my own savings, that I'd saved up last year.

I bought quite a lot of clothes since I had 2 shopping bags. I once again put the bags into my car and started to drive back to home.

The time now was almost 4:30pm, so I decided to stop by at a costa coffee to buy myself a coffee.

Now, I finally was going back home.

quite a long chapter Ik, I felt extremely motivated to write today. - anna <3

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