~ never before ~

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Ava's POV:

I brush my teeth, making sure it's clean with no leftover food crumbs.

YES, you guessed right. I'm trying to look good for him. If you don't remember.. I'm meeting him properly in-person for the first time today.

I get dressed and run downstairs with my work backpack. My dad made waffles today, so I ate it up and kissed my parents good-bye. They were quite baffled because I was in such a hurry, but they didn't dare to even ask.

I left early today.. not ONLY for him. but because for me of course! I've been craving a chill spring morning walk recently, and I figured today was a perfect opportunity for that. Without thinking any further, I ditch my car and head for the side walk.

The lilies aside the road were starting to bloom and it just depicted the spring season greatly. If you couldn't guess just yet, I love the spring. 

I plug in my headphones and play my go-to Spotify playlist named "the night where the flowers bloom" and continued walking. I enjoyed the neighborhood scenery and looked at almost all the flowers I could spot.

And just like that, while walking, I spot this strange but gorgeous flower alongside the path. I go down on my knees, to gently pluck one and started sniffing it, the glorious scent reminded me of  vanilla and coffee with a tint of  peppermint. I place the flower in my braided hair and continue walking.

My walk eventually comes to an end as I reach the cafe.

And my oh my, what I saw.

He was right there, seated by the table at the back situated next to a window. I almost lost ahold of my breath, but I awkwardly ran to the staff room. I was 100% sure he spotted me running. But deep down, I somehow hope he didn't. Not my finest moments.

I wear my apron and enter the counter. 

He was already standing there, already.

I could feel my cheeks become as rosy as super tinted red dye. But I started the conversation casually.

"Hello, welcome, what would you like to order today?"

"a chocolate croissant pls."

I was even surprised he played along, I was almost confused, wondering if it was actually him.

I look up. (I was holding my notepad before). 

I spot his beautiful chiseled face and his red t-shirt paired with some sweatpants. His ocean eyes blue-er than ever.

I catch myself staring creepily before he says-

"looking very beautiful today, Ava."

I lost it, then and there, I ran back to the staff room, blushing harder than ever, I could not control what I was feeling. While I ran off, I could see him giggle at the corner of my eye.


 shy girl, just lost her chance lmao - anna<33

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