Chapter 9: Older sister magic

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Charlie got up that morning like any other one, he got dressed, smoothed his curls a bit and had breakfast. Well, if just two sips of coffee and a few cereals could be called breakfast. He lately hardly ever felt like eating all day.

Like every day, his mother had gone to work early for a walk, and his father was about to leave too, after taking Oliver to school by car. Nothing out of the ordinary.

But what surprised Charlie was that Tori wasn't in the kitchen drinking her morning diet lemonade, then heading off to school. Although he studied at Truham and she did so at Higgs, they used to walk or take the bus together. Although she did not like to take the bus, she sometimes decided to accompany her brother so they could talk to one another. What they both called a "Spring therapy session". They shared their anxieties and concerns, because they knew that the bond that united them allowed them to understand each other as few could do.

As Charlie brushed his teeth, his father walked over to the bathroom.

Julio: Charlie, I'm leaving with Oliver.

Charlie: Ok, but why isn't Tori up yet? We have to go soon.

Julio: Your sister is gonna stay home today, it's nothing serious, but her head hurts a little and she's a bit dizzy, so it's better that she stays resting.

His father and his little brother left and Charlie stopped by Tori's room before heading out to Truham.

Charlie: Tori, how are you?

Tori: Nothing major Charles, just a little lower defenses. I guess partly because I got my period this morning. Girl stuff, you know.

Charlie: Since when is girls something that I know about? You know that for me it's always been boys.

Tori smiled slightly.

Tori: Come on, go now or you'll be late.

Charlie: Okay, but if you need anything call me and I'll come as soon as I can. I love you, sister.

And he gave her a tender kiss on her forehead.

Charlie: God, Tori, you're on fire! Have you taken a pill?

Tori: Yeah, but it still doesn't seem to work for me. Well, see you later.

Charlie: Take care.

But Charlie's journey to Truham was much shorter than expected, in fact he didn't even get to leave the house. As soon as he went down the stairs Tori began to call him weakly, Charlie ran up to her and was very scared by what he saw. She was very pale, and she was beginning to breathe heavily. Her forehead burned even more, and she could barely keep her eyes open.

Charlie was visibly distressed.

Charlie: Listen, Tori, I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to call Mom and Dad right now and I'm going to stay here and take care of you.

He called both of them, more than once, but neither answered. Tori was getting worse by the minute. Charlie tried to calm the fever with wet cloths while she could barely utter a word. Charlie didn't know what to do, he panicked. But he had to do something. If it wasn't him, there would be someone who could. So he called the emergency services.

Charlie: Please, I urgently need an ambulance for my sister, she has a very high fever, she is totally pale and about to lose consciousness. I don't know what to do and I need, help please hurry up.

He gave the details of the Spring house and they promised to arrive in a few minutes. Tori was practically unconscious, and Charlie was more than desperate. Their parents still didn't answer the phone and therefore still wouldn't know anything about what was happening.

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