Chapter 12: Ok, I'm an ally

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My name is Imogen Heaney, I'm a Higgs student and Nick Nelson's best friend. At first I thought we could be something more than that, I really liked him a lot, but fate had different paths for us. And I'm okay with that. You cannot live in a stagnation for a person who does not love you back, and that has also found the love of his life.

Because I have no doubt that Charlie Spring is exactly that for him. Besides being a lovable boy. The other day he told me that he wants us to do the famous TikTok of "I'm part of the LGBTQ community, and this is my friend Valentina, she's an ally". He really is incredible. I think we see each other as friends now.

With everything that's happened with Nick, I've also realized that I come across as the ideal girl and sometimes I feel really stupid about it. It's not being easy, but I began to realize that I can be better than I appeared to be. And by better I mean freer, more independent and less corseted. Although it scares me, cause I feel like I don't know how to do it. But I just have to be myself.

I want to try to get closer to Tara, Darcy and Elle, I really envy the relationship they have and I would like to one day be part of Nick and Charlie's group of friends. It really seems to me that they're like a chosen family, and I think I'd learn a lot from all of them. Also, my fight to be the new president of CharNick's fan club hasn't started yet...

Anyway, I hope I can find my place, and be able to share how much Imogen can give to others.

Because I think I can be quite iconic, if you allow me to praise myself.

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