Chapter 1- Blessed

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Hey guys! Not sure on how long this story will be but I thought it was a cool idea for Halloween coming up! Comment and vote so I know what you think please!


"You're late" my boss's nephew spits as I tie the apron around my waist I look back at the clock holding back a huff "I am 10 minutes early" I say the cafe hasn't even opened yet.

"No, when I tell you your shift starts at 8 you get here by 7.30 and help prepare before we open" he says making me scoff "for one you are not my boss second if you want me by 7.30 am then pay me for the extra 30 minutes" I shrug him off deciding to turn on the machines as he hadn't started preparing yet which was his in his job responsibilities.

My boss Miss Knights is a kind old lady who opened the cafe with her husband a few years ago but recently he passed away so she has asked her nephew Gregg to take care of things for a while hence why he is here sitting in front of me with a scowl on his face.

"I could get you fired!" he starts and I roll my eyes with my back turned getting things out and ready to make life today a bit easier "you already tried that" I remind him turning back.

At first when Gregg came a few weeks ago I was happy to get someone else in to help but once he turned up and I found out what kind of person he was. He looked down on all women being one of those who believe men are above women but even then he wasn't this much of an ass, not until I turned down his offer for a date.

After that it was like he made it his life goal to convince his aunt to fire me.

I work three jobs one here in the morning, another in the afternoon as a cashier in a clothes store nearby and the third at a bar in Queens on the weekends.

It is a lot of hours but living in this city is expensive and I promised myself I would never look back to where I came from reminding myself every day that I don't need them.

Once getting set up I walk past him turning the door sign to say open and unlocking it. Once I turn I grin at his scowl as I move my long hair behind my ear as walking past him I hear him mumble something along the word with bitch.

But I didn't care I've been called much worse for my cold attitude.

I smile when I see our usual Claire running across the busy street of New York with her little girl. She worked nearby and had a daycare around the corner which she promised is gods gifts to parents.

When she rushes in the bell at the top of the door go off but Gregg doesn't move from his spot still grumbling to himself by the window  "morning!" I greet "your usual?" I ask and she nods as I get out a travel cup "how are we today?" I ask looking down at her daughter Tia who beams up at my question always excited to tell me about her and her mum's journey on the trains.

I listen intently as she shows how wide a cockroach was that they found on the train and I laugh when she showed me the size of a puppy "well I do hear they can survive almost anything i'm not surprised they can grow that big" I say picking out a cute Zombie biscuit.

It was near Halloween and I always sneak her a little biscuit paying for it myself.

Claire is a single mum and she works all she can to support Tia but she struggles like we all do in this darn city "Sigyn" she sighs my name as she sees me place the biscuit in a little paper bag I wink at her telling her to sh because Mr grumpy butt was sat right over there.

I place coins out of my apron into the til to pay for it always having the money ready for when they get here. 

She gives me a thankful look tearing up like she does most mornings as she pays "I hope one of the gods bless you today! Thank you" she says paying for her drink then they both begin to leave. Tia waves me goodbye with a big smile on her face like she does every morning and I wave back.

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