Chapter 6- Soldat

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Warnings- Toxic relationship, violence! mentions of child abuse!(None of these things are okay!) It's a dark Loki story please remember! Some bits may trigger!


"Soldat" I say in snare to see his eyes glower at my appearance "she is upset" he says his eyes going to Loki in almost an accusy glare "she is I let her see the others however it seems I know why she wants to reject them now" he says squeezing my shoulders as Bucky steps in making me try to move back.

Flashbacks of that day we tried to escape clear in my mind as I remember my mother's cries as he dragged her away from our cell.

"Doll" he says pausing in surprise a frown edging on his face "careful our queen is a little spitfire" Loki smirks as the door behind Bucky closes but he doesn't heed Loki's warning as he steps closer.

I feel my jaw tighten his concern creating a fire in me as he reaches for me.

"Doll-" he doesn't get to finish as I jump Loki's eyes widen in surprise at how quickly I move.

"I'll kill you!" I spit my hands instantly around his throat as he falls with the weight of my body.

He only falls as taken by surprise and I only get two punches in before I am lifted and pulled away from him.

"I'll fucking kill you!" I scream trying to go for him again but Loki's arms wrap around me tightly this time. Soldat's eyes widen as he wipes the blood from his nose as I spit towards his lying body.

"You said you would help calm her down" Loki growls behind me as Soldat frowns.

"I-" he says almost brokenly making me scoff.

"Leave" Loki says as Soldat looks at me almost pleadingly a confused and hurt look covering his face as I try to lunge again causing Loki's feet to drag forward swearing as Bucky gets the hint getting up before quickly leaving the room but once the door stops it doesn't stop me.

"I'll fucking kill you all!" I scream at the door in a promise as I try to sling my whole body forward once again.

"Kitten" Loki scowls as I grip his arm letting my nails dig causing him to hiss as I move to flip him forward but stop as I let out a loud yelp.

Loki's teeth bite into my shoulder hard in warning as he lets go of me I see his eyes darken as he smirks at my open mouth as my hand reaches to my shoulder seeing the blood on his mouth.

"You fucking bit me!"

"Only to return the favor pet" he says licking his lips before lifting his forearm showing blooded marks on his fair skin from my nails.

"I was unaware of your fear of the solider Pierce made it seem-"

"Pierce knows nothing" I snap anger only rising.

If this was a cartoon I'd have steam steaming out of my ears.

"I hate them! I hate Brock! I hate Pierce! I hate the whole stupid group! and I hate that you're working with them!" I scream and he watches quietly making my jaw clench "What?!"

"Do you want them dead?" he asks so calmly that I do a double take my body pausing as I wonder if I heard him correctly...


"Say the word and the whole Hydra group dies" he says making me frown as he steps towards me slowly "I told you I would serve anyone's head on a platter for you-"

"You're just like them" I scoff shaking my head.

"Maybe but I'd burn the world if you ask it" he says so sincerely making me pause hating a new feeling in my chest that I had never felt before but I dismiss the flutter, my brain knowing better.

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