Chapter 5- The Others

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I watch the clock click by memories of watching a similar clock as a child made me miss those memories as time seemed to stand still back then forever dragging by as I waited for life to begin a promise from my mum that once the needlework was done id be able to see the sun as much as I wanted.

Now the time went quickly the tik repeating in a heart-beating rhythm as I knew I didn't have long left.

Tia and Morgan were both asleep both softly snoring and leaning on me as Tia's little hands grip tightly on my wrist as she explained her nightmares earlier.

'Please don't change' she had pleaded to me 'you'll hurt everyone like those things that hurt mummy'

"She was really worried about you" Elizabeth says in a whisper her shaking figure sitting down after helping me clear up the toys after the girls finally fell asleep Elizabeth explained they haven't been sleeping well.

"I wish I could say" I whisper in a sigh remembering myself at her age "I know you're not here by choice but thank you I am glad they have someone" I say looking over at her to see her eyes soften "you say it as if you've experienced otherwise" she says before quickly lifting her hands "I do not mean to pry" she says but I shake my head saying it is okay without denying or agreeing to the statement.

"She not going to be happy with me when she wakes" I whisper shifting in such a way I am able to lay down Morgan gently first her head rests on the sofa arm then turn to Tia to do the same with more difficulty "she will know it's not your fault" Elizabeth says coming up beside me my body straightening when she passes a teddy to Tia who grabs it as I manage to swap it for my arm "thanks" I say and she smiles sadly "no thank you she told us what you did for her" she says and I look back to her sleeping.

A frown kept on her face as she gripped the teddy mumbling in her sleep "Tia sees you as her hero you know? While Morgan was showing off about her dad Tia spoke of you and her mum as her biggest heroes" she says taking a step back and I get up following her to the other sofa to let them sleep.

"I don't know if I would call myself that" I murmur as she grabs her drink "you know a great friend once told me that with great power comes great responsibility" she says "You took responsibility for someone you did not need to take care of and with that comes great power dear never forget it"

Great power huh?

"Pet" his voice makes Elizabeth jump and she almost drops the glass but I manage to grab it "careful" I sneer at him "they are sleeping"

His eyes follow mine to the girls then back to mine again.

"Then we shall not linger I have given you three hours now it's your time to hold up your side of the bargain" he says his hand offering towards me and I begrudgingly take it Elizabeth looks worried but she says nothing as I stand.

"I would let us walk there but I don't want you getting any ideas" he whispers not giving me a second when he flashes us out of the room my eyes squeeze shut as I refuse to grip onto him for support when I feel his hands stable me "here we are" he purrs when my feet steady on the ground.

"BROTHER!" a booming voice as my eyes opening the scene taking me by surprise as I see our soulmates all around the room in massive glass cells all divided from the other as each stood the moment Loki transports in causing my stomach to drop.

"Ignore the oaf he's deafening most of the time" Loki whispers close to my ears reminding me of his hold still on me "I thought you'd all be happy you'd been asking of her long enough" Loki purrs as I feel all eyes shift to me as my heart thumped heavily against my chest with anxiety rising under their questioning stares.

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