Chapter 3- The Dinner

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Don't forget this is evil Loki! This book has warnings for reasons!

Warnings- Swearing, needs editing!


I swear at them as they hiss, my nails breaking through their ugly-ass skin as one pulls a face as the other can barely open a door as I kick at them making sure to hit them in all the good places.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill all of you!" I promise as I am slung down onto cold marble floor "id like to see you try" one spits so I get up and run towards him but the door gets slammed shut and he quickly locks it.

"Pussy! open up the door and face me like a man- alien whatever boogy- ugly looking creature thing you came out off!" I scream hitting the door then the handle to see it is locked.

There has gotta be something to break it I think turning back to look at the room I was in only instantly regretting it as I freeze.

What in the rich lifestyle is this?

My eyes widen at the massive modern bedroom that was big enough to be an apartment, the bed around the size of a public pool that lay in the middle of the room. Behind the grey headboard stood a mural of each Avenger painted on the wall with different colours for each hero.

What the?

I slowly step more into the room staying away from the large windows as I knew I was high up and didn't want to see how far the fall would be.

I have always hated heights.

Three doors stood across the room but I'm not stupid enough to hope for an exit as I look anyway coming across the first door.

I freeze once again opening it as I see a massive bathroom with literally a bathtub the size of a pool and a shower looking like it could fit an army in it.

With 4 separate toilet rooms?

I shut the door going to the next door only a few feet away opening it to see a giant walk-in closet but considering the rest of the room I wasn't that surprised but what does surprise me makes my bottom lip drop as suits all stood in the middle of the room like a giant display in front of each section of the wardrobe.

These are Avengers suits...

Then these clothes belong to-

"You got to be kidding me" I swear slamming the door shut as I go to the third door with a huff in my step as I have to pass what I now guess is a weird orgy-sized bed.

I open the third door wishing I hadn't as the red hue makes my eyes widen at the equipment in the room.

"Nope!" I slam the door shut storming over to the door I was thrown through earlier "I don't want this room get me another! I don't even care if it's a cell! but I am not staying in whatever the hell this gangbang room is! Whatever your name is get in here right now! Brock if you hear me I will torture you till you die! I am not sleeping in their bed what kind of messed up manipulation shit is this?! "

I wait for a reply or movement on the other side but only feel angrier at the lack of movement.

"Well I ain't just sitting here!" I warn walking around the room and finding an expensive-looking vase shrugging at any thought of the cost since the city was half destroyed the Avengers can deal with a broken vase.

I aim ready to throw it when a voice makes me jump almost dropping it.

"I wonder if you are this ardent in other matters" his deep voice purs mockingly making my hand get a better grip as I turn to throw it but it disappears before it can reach him but I don't get a chance to make another move as I let out a sharp hiss my back hitting the door harshly as he stands in front of me his hands quickly wrapping around my throat just above the collar in warning as he snarls "I can't decide if I like your claws kitten or if I want to pluck them"

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