first catch

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Fernpaw padded into camp proudly, tail high, carrying her first catch. Her sister fell in beside her, carrying a nice fat rabbit. "Take those straight to the elders." Skullmask nodded at the apprentices.

"They'll be glad for two juicy meals." The grey and white apprentice dipped her head and padded towards the elders den. Slipping under the woven honeysuckle, she dropped the rabbit on the mossy ground. "Hello, Fernpaw, Cedarpaw." Patchleaf greeted them, her black and white tail curled around her paws. Adderpelt looked up from his nest.

"Do I smell rabbit?" Patchleaf nudged him. "It's Fernpaw and Cedarpaw. They brought us rabbits they caught themselves."

"On your first day?" The black and brown elder purred as they nodded earnestly. "Good catches." Patchleaf settled down next to Adderpelt, and they started to bite into the rabbit. Fernpaw slowly backed away and ducked out of the den, breathing in the scents of the camp.

"Eaglefeather should be kitting any second now." Cedarpaw informed her as she slid out behind her sister. "How do you know?" Fernpaw glanced at the sun as it started to slide down behind the trees. "Juniperpaw told me." Cedarpaw padded down the slope, heading for the fresh-kill pile. The grey and white apprentice stopped beside a clump of ferns, watching as Swiftfoot hurried into the nursery, followed by Mossheart.

"Oh!" Fernpaw gasped, and rushed down the slope. "What are you doing?" Cedarpaw called, panting to keep up. Eaglefeather's wails echoed in her ears as she snatched up a stick and hurried to the nursery. Sticking her head through the brambles, Fernpaw dropped the stick at Swiftfoot's paws. The medicine cat's eyes gleamed. "Perfect!" Turning back to the queen, he added "Bite this; it will ease the pain." The brown she-cat eyed him doubtfully, but when her belly cramped she snatched the stick and bit down hard. Fernpaw quickly withdrew her head, almost bumping into Skullmask as she leaned backwards.

"Oh! Hello, Skullmask. I was just-" her mentor cut her off. "I saw. Well done, Fernpaw. Now, get to the apprentice den. Cedarpaw is already there. You'll want to sleep well after tonight." The apprentice dipped her head and padded away from the nursery. Feeling her eyelids begin to droop, Fernpaw slid into the apprentice's den. She curled up in a nest, which faintly smelled of Hawkeyes, and fell asleep.

"Fernpaw! Wake up! You're no better then a dormouse." Fernpaw jerked her head up, and clambered out of her nest. Shaking her fur to remove the scraps of bracken and moss. "Eaglefeather's kits?" She mewed, remembering the night before. "They're fine." Cedarpaw mewed, who was sitting up in her nest. "Juniperpaw told me she's named them Frogkit and Shellkit."

"A she-cat and a tom?" Fernpaw purred. "The apprentice den will be full at this rate!" Seapaw raised his grey blue head and blinked at them. "Chattering like starlings, you two. I think your mentors will want you." Juniperpaw nudged his brother. "I seem to remember you constantly talking with Featherheart when we were first apprenticed." Seapaw swiped at his denmate with sheathed claws, and the dark brown tom ducked. Cedarpaw nudged Fernpaw.

"Come on- Flickernose and Skullmask are waiting outside." The grey and white apprentice scrambled towards the entrance. "Why didn't you say so? Come on!" Fernpaw leaped down the slope, heading towards their mentors. "Sorry!" She gasped. "I was just tired from Eaglefeather's kitting." Flickernose dipped his head. "It's okay. You aren't the only ones." He glanced towards the medicine den, and Fernpaw followed his gaze. "Mossheart is weaker than ever."

Cedarpaw nodded. "What are we doing today?" She mewed. "Learning how to fight ThunderClan cats." Skullmask purred, a twinkle in his eyes. "This way." 

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