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Swiftfoot crouched in his den, watching the clearing with narrowed eyes. Night had fallen, and the medicine cat could see his clanmates waiting in their dens. Waiting to attack. Pumpkinpaw was crouching behind him, trembling, and her green eyes were wide with terror. He could hear pawsteps thrumming through the ground as ThunderClan and the rogues headed towards the camp. And then, the first cat leaped into camp, a mangy black furred she-cat, with the others streaming after her. Poppysong raised her tail, and the ShadowClan warriors leapt out, and the clearing descended into battle. "Wait here- I'm going to check it out." Swiftfoot mewed to his apprentice, before slipping out into the clearing. He spotted Cedarfang wrestling with Breezetail of ThunderClan, and Juniperclaw helping Foxwhisker drive a large rogue towards the thorn tunnel. The black and white furred tom stopped suddenly as a small silver and grey rogue stopped in front of him. "You're their healer, right? Please, you have to help my brother!" She begged; her amber eyes wide. Swiftfoot nodded slowly, before following her across the clearing.

A small, white furred tom was lying near the edge of the camp, with multiple wounds criss-crossing his back. "Come on. I need to get you to the medicine den." The medicine cat nudged the tom across the clearing, towards his den. Pumpkinpaw stared, her eyes wide, as he placed the white rogue onto a nest, his sister sitting at his side. "I'm North, and this is Albatross." The silver and grey she-cat mewed, nodding towards her brother. Pumpkinpaw returned from the cleft where they kept their herbs- Swiftfoot hadn't noticed she had left. "This should help." She started applying a chervil poultice to Albatross' scratches. The tom sighed, falling into a more peaceful sleep. Swiftfoot dipped his head to North. "I'm Swiftfoot, and this is my apprentice, Pumpkinpaw." Pumpkinpaw nodded, before crouching down next to Albatross and sniffing his injuries. The black and white medicine cat padded past them, sticking his head out of the den. Screeches echoed around the clearing, and fearsome caterwauls reached his ears.

Swiftfoot flattened his ears. StarClan, help us! The black and white medicine cat raised his eyes to the stars, which were glittering in the frosty sky. The prophecy! A sudden jolt of understanding shot through him. When the shadow rises, the thunder will strike. "ThunderClan attacked us. But I have no clue what the bird will call for the final time means." Swiftfoot muttered, his amber eyes full of confusion. 

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