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Twigpaw sighed, raising her head as Snakefur, Magpiesong and Breezetail padded into camp. The tawny apprentice trotted towards the fresh kill pile, snatching up a mouse. She acknowledged Snowclaw, who was sharing a rabbit with Tumblepoppy, with a flick of her tail and padded towards the briar bush that served as the elder's den. "Roseshine?" Twigpaw mewed, placing the mouse at the elderly she-cat's paws. "Do I smell fresh-kill?" Roseshine purred, biting into the mouse. "Thanks, Twigpaw." The apprentice dipped her head and ducked out of the den, glancing at the nursery where she could hear the mewling of Smalltail's kits. She padded across the clearing. "Everything okay?" Twigpaw mewed, poking her head into the nursery. The grey and black queen looked up, and Eclipsekit and Sunkit bounded over to her.

"Hi, Twigpaw!" Sunkit mewed, her calico pelt ruffled and covered with bracken. "Willowleap is here as well!" Eclipsekit nodded towards his mother, where the brown and white medicine cat was crouching over Smalltail. She had a hard kitting. Twigpaw reflected, remembering the freezing leaf-bare night.

Twigpaw had just left the nursery, apprenticed the day before. Two moons ago, which meant she had one more moon of training left until she could become a warrior. "Hello, Willowleap." Willowleap acknowledged her presence with a flick of her brown and white tail, as she focused on her patient. The tawny brown apprentice ducked out of the nursery, noticing her mentor, Duststripe. "Are you alright?" Twigpaw mewed, trotting over to the sandy coloured deputy. Duststripe cast a glance at the fresh-kill pile, where Magpiesong was sitting, and flicked his tail in the direction of the thorn tunnel, where Tumblepoppy was talking to Autumnnose. "They're bothering me. I know it's foolish of me, when as the deputy I should support Shadestar's decision, but I can't shake off the feeling that they're up to something."

Twigpaw nodded, sitting down next to him. "You aren't alone. I'm not sure if Willowleap trusts them either, and if both the deputy and the medicine cat don't then something's got to be wrong." The tawny apprentice dipped her head to her mentor and rose to her paws as Fawnflight emerged from the warriors' den. "Twigpaw!" she mewed, sitting beside a clump of ferns. Twigpaw raced over to her mother and sat down beside here, purring. "Everything okay?" The warrior mewed, her pale green gaze focused on her kit. "Yep! Duststripe and I were just talking about..." She paused, racking her brain for an excuse. "Training!" Fawnflight nodded slowly, tilting her head slightly. "Okay." The she-cat twitched her ears and glanced up at Autumnnose, who was padding over to them. "Duststripe wants to know if Twigpaw can join a hunting patrol." The calico warrior nodded at Koiwhisker and Tumblepoppy, who were waiting by the fern tunnel. "Sure!" Twigpaw purred, dipping her tawny head to her mother and racing across the clearing, reaching the hunting patrol. "Where should we hunt?" Tumblepoppy mewed, her dark blue eyes looking kindly at the apprentice. Koiwhisker swished her tail. "The Owl Tree would be a good place, don't you think?" The tortoiseshell warrior flicked her ear, the red patches on her pelt shining in the early leaf-fall sun. Tumblepoppy dipped her pale brown head. "Lead on." She mewed teasingly, glancing at Twigpaw. The tawny apprentice fluffed out her fur and hared through the fern tunnel, racing after Koiwhisker, who had taken off towards the Owl Tree. She could hear a yowl of surprise, and then another set of paws racing after them as Tumblepoppy followed. As Twigpaw raced through the forest, her mind drifted away from hunting. Something's coming... something big. And whatever it is, I have a feeling I'll be mixed up in it. No matter what I do, I can't escape my destiny. Twigpaw felt as though the weight of her destiny was bearing down on her, crushing her under its weight. Sometimes it would be nice to know what your destiny is, though. She thought ruefully, racing after Koiwhisker.

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