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The grey and white warrior bushed out her fur, whirling around, and lashing out with her claws. Fernwhisker slashed a tabby rogue's flank, sending him fleeing towards the entrance. She caught a flash of white out of the corner of her eye, and turned to see Magpiesong pinning down a cat. The grey and white she-cat couldn't see who it was, and if she tasted the air, all she could smell was blood and dirt. "This is what happens when you fight me." The rogue growled, pressing the victim's muzzle into the dusty ground. Fernwhisker raced closer, ready to leap onto his back and tear him off the cat. But it was too late. Magpiesong leaned down and bit the cat's throat. Their spine jerked as they thrashed, before stilling, not breathing. She froze as he stepped back, letting her get a closer look at the warrior. "No!" Fernwhisker screeched, throwing herself at the limp body. It was a white furred tom, with his green eyes staring sightlessly at the dark sky. "Yarrowclaw..." She choked out, pressing her nose into her father's fur, before turning to confront his murderer. Magpiesong was standing there, his paws and muzzle wet with blood. His amber eyes gleamed. "One less weak fool. Aren't you happy?" The black and white rogue knew exactly what he'd done, and how she felt about it. Letting out a screech of rage, Fernwhisker threw herself onto him, raking his fur. Magpiesong struggled to throw her off; lashing out with his paws, but eventually grew still. "You'll kill me? Is that how this ends?" He glared at her, his eyes smouldering with hatred and anger. "The warrior code says that-"

"The warrior code this, warrior code that! You clan cats believe it makes you stronger. But it makes you weak!" Magpiesong growled.

"Will I kill you? To protect my clan?" She snarled. "Yes. Because you will keep killing cats; that is, unless I stop you. You're ruthless, Magpiesong. You're ambitious. And that will be the end of you." Fernwhisker raised one paw, and raked it over his neck. She repeated the gesture, watching blood bubble up, his eyes growing hazy, his body still. The warrior was aware of her clanmates gathering around her, the noises of the battle stopping, as they watched. Bile rose in her throat, but she kept going, until she knew he was well and truly dead. Fernwhisker took a long, shaky breath, before raising her head, and staring around her clanmates. Echostar and Poppysong were staring at her, with Swiftfoot and Pumpkinpaw by their side. Cedarfang and Dovenose sat by Yarrowclaw's body, with Juniperclaw and Seapelt. A small group separated from the rest stood bristling, defiant.

She recognised Shadestar of ThunderClan and Crow, the sort of deputy of the rogues. Mage and Root, two rogues, stood next to them. The warrior slowly drew herself to her full height. "This battle is over. Go back to Twolegplace- the forest is our home, and it always will be." She mewed, glancing around at the rogues, her voice strong and calm. Crow bristled, but waved her tail, and the rogues started to pad out of the camp. After they had left, Echostar took a pace forward. "Shadestar." The ShadowClan leader dipped her head to the elderly tom. "The battle is over."

"No!" He snarled, flexing his claws. "Attack!" No cat moved. Breezetail of ThunderClan glanced uncertainly around, but stayed where she was.

"I said attack!" Shadestar bared his teeth. "I am your leader! My word is the code!"

Duststripe stepped out of the crowd. "Shadestar, we have lost. We're outnumbered and injured. We can't." The deputy mewed, taking a pace to stand beside Echostar.

"Traitors! All of you!" He hissed. "You aren't fit to be called warriors! You can't even obey your leader!" Shadestar rocked on his paws, and Fernwhisker was suddenly aware of how weak the ThunderClan leader was. He was bleeding heavily from one shoulder, and his eyes shone with pain. "We should get back to camp." Duststripe raised his tail, and two ThunderClan warriors moved to either side of their leader, supporting him as they began the trek back to their territory. The grey and white warrior pressed against her sister, who had padded up to her, and watched as the warriors of StarClan slowly appeared in the night sky, their light enveloping the forest. 

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