a spy

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Twigpaw slid through the trees, following Magpiesong. The black and white tom had sneaked out of camp at sunrise, and the ThunderClan apprentice had decided to follow him. Although, Twigpaw reflected, her paws muddy from the night's rain, I probably should have checked with Duststripe first. The ThunderClan deputy would have let her go- although he probably would have insisted he go as well. Better to go alone. Magpiesong suddenly stopped, and Twigpaw paused as well, peeking through the leaves of a holly bush. A mangy black she-cat slid out from behind a beech tree, her blue eyes glaring balefully at Magpiesong, although the apprentice thought she could see a bit of respect in her sharp gaze. "Crow." The black and white tom flicked his tail. "Any news?" Crow shook her scarred head. "Root tried to convince a kittypet to join us. The usual method- he slashed her flank and raced away. She hared after him, but didn't catch up." The scarred black she-cat curled her lip. "Coward." Magpiesong nodded slowly, and turned away. "I expect another report in three sunrises, Crow. Bring Mage as well; being a new recruit, she needs to experience sneaking. Tell her if she gets caught, use the usual excuse." Twigpaw jerked away from the two cats and raced back to camp, her pelt prickling. "Twigpaw?" Her mentor, Duststripe, looked up at her as she leaped into camp, her paws skidding on the wet leaves on the ground. "Yes?" Twigpaw mewed breathlessly, panting. The sandy coloured tom opened his jaws, flicking his tail. "You smell of Twolegs. You didn't go anywhere near Twolegplace, did you?"

"No!" She glanced wildly around, looking for an excuse. "I-I went hunting! But I couldn't find any prey." Duststripe glanced doubtfully at her. "It's not leaf-bare yet!" Twigpaw's head drooped. "Sorry." Her mentor sighed and nodded to her, signalling for her to leave. As the apprentice padded away, she heard Shadestar stride towards the deputy. "Duststripe. Magpiesong has just suggested a plan to attack ShadowClan, and I agree with him. I need you to start getting ready for the attack." Twigpaw halted, pricking her ears in order to hear the conversation. Duststripe's weary mew sounded through the small clearing of ferns. "Are you sure? You don't know we can trust-" Shadestar cut him off. "Duststripe, I am your leader, whether you like it or not. If I trust Magpiesong, then you need to as well." The apprentice could hear the rustling as Duststripe dipped his head in acceptance. "Tell Willowleap to meet me by the High Rock with the senior warriors." The leader called, as Duststripe padded towards the medicine den, pushing his head inside the tunnel of bracken. Twigpaw rose to her paws and followed him, poking her head in. The brown and white medicine cat was sitting in the clearing, laying out herbs on boulders to dry, while Sunkit watched with wide eyes. "Hi Duststripe! Hi Twigpaw! I'm helping Willowleap dry the herbs- I want to be a medicine cat one day!" Twigpaw purred. "Where's Eclipsekit?" she asked, glancing around the medicine den. "Tumblepoppy's showing him hunting moves." The calico she-kit waved her tail in the direction of the apprentice den. "Alright." The apprentice glanced at Duststripe, who was watching Willowleap with confused eyes. "I'll see you guys later." Twigpaw quickly withdrew from the medicine den and padded towards the apprentice den, skirting Tumblepoppy and Eclipsekit, who were practicing pouncing on a leaf. Curling up in her nest, she wondered what was going to happen next. This all seems like it's leading up to something. Twigpaw thought, resting her tail over her muzzle. I wonder what? 

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