conflicting opinions

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Fernpaw followed Juniperclaw over the slope that led into Fourtrees, glancing up at the full moon, which was shining. There were no clouds in sight. At least that means the Gathering will go ahead. The grey and white apprentice took her place next to Cedarpaw, her ears pricked, as RiverClan bounded into the hollow. WindClan and RiverClan are here, but where is ThunderClan? A small pale grey apprentice bounded past them, calling out to a WindClan apprentice- Heatherpaw. Pelts brushed as the three clans took their places, talking quietly. A golden calico she-cat, who smelled of fish, slid through the crowd, sitting next to a WindClan warrior, and Patchleaf hurried to join them. "ThunderClan!" Cedarpaw called out, and some cats craned their heads to look at the warriors as they bounded into Fourtrees. A small tawny brown apprentice hurried over to them, dipping her head. "Hello!"

"Hi." Fernpaw tilted her head. "It's Twigpaw, right?"

"Yep! You're Fernpaw and Cedarpaw- I remember you from the last Gathering." The ThunderClan apprentice's tail twitched excitedly. She sat down next to them, neatly curling her tail around her paws and glancing up at the Great Rock, where the leaders were starting to assemble. "Shadestar will probably announce that Magpiesong and Tumblepoppy have joined us." Twigpaw mewed, seemingly half to herself. Fernpaw started in surprise, before composing herself, turning her gaze over to where the former rogues were sitting. Magpiesong was talking to a black and brown ThunderClan warrior; "Snakefur." The apprentice nodded over to the two cats, which were sitting by the Great Rock. Tumblepoppy wasn't far away from the black and white tom; sitting with a small, black WindClan she-cat and a silver-grey RiverClan tom. "I think that's Gorsetail, and... Fernlight?" Cedarpaw squinted at the three warriors, trying to make out their appearances. "I don't trust Magpiesong." Some cat mewed, and Fernpaw's eyes widened as she realised it had been her. But the other two apprentices nodded in agreement, seeming unfazed. "Neither do I." Twigpaw confessed, her bright blue eyes shining with guilt. Cedarpaw started to lick her one white paw. "I have a bad feeling about him. Not Tumblepoppy; just him." The ThunderClan apprentice twitched her tail. "Talk to me after the Gathering, in those bushes near WindClan. I have something I think you should hear." Twigpaw dipped her head to them as a yellow and brown warrior called to her, beckoning with his tail, before hurrying over. Cedarpaw exchanged a glance with her sister as Eaglestar called out from the Great Rock. "We gather under the truce of the full moon, to share news and mix with the other Clans." The brown tabby dipped her head to Echostar. "Would you like to go first?" The dark grey she-cat strode forward, before nodding to Eaglestar. "ShadowClan has two new warriors- Juniperclaw and Seapelt!" Fernpaw purred, watching as the two warriors' eyes shone with pride. "Prey is running well and we have no complaints to make." Echostar nodded to Shadestar, who stepped forward, his amber eyes shining. "ThunderClan has decided to take in two loners- Magpiesong and Tumblepoppy!" Loners? What is he getting at? They're obviously rogues! The grey and white apprentice spotted Crookedclaw, a RiverClan elder, staring at Tumblepoppy in surprise. "I wonder what that's about?" Cedarpaw's green eyes were filled with confusion. "No idea." Fernpaw replied, looking back up at the Great Rock. Shadestar had finished his report and Maplestar was speaking. "Prey is running- or should I say swimming- well. RiverClan has one new warrior; Lilyfur!" The small grey warrior dipped her head to her leader, as Maplestar finished off and let Eaglestar speak. "Leaf-fall is kind to us so far, and we are well fed. Other then that, WindClan has no news to report." The brown tabby she-cat leaped down form the Great Rock, with the other leaders following soon after. Fernpaw started weaving through the crowd, heading towards where she could see Twigpaw's tawny brown ears poking over the yew bushes. Cedarpaw followed, wincing as they padded into the bushes. "I think I've lost half my pelt on there!" Her sister exclaimed, glancing back at the bushes, where a tuft of brown fur was caught on a branch. The grey and white apprentice rolled her eyes as they emerged into a small gap where Twigpaw was waiting. The apprentice's whiskers twitched in amusement as she saw Cedarpaw's disgruntled expression, before nodding to them. "I hope you have a good reason for this! These bushes-" Fernpaw slapped her tail across her sister's mouth, shooting a glare at her. "What was the information you had to tell us?" The grey and white apprentice asked, her tail tip twitching with curiosity as she rested it on her paws. "ThunderClan!" They could hear Shadestar's call, and then Echostar's as she gathered ShadowClan. "I have to go- meet me at the Thunderpath tomorrow night. There's a tunnel underneath we can hide in. It's worth it- I have to tell you about Magpiesong." Twigpaw mewed regretfully, rising to her paws and ducking through the branches as Duststripe, the ThunderClan deputy, started leading their clan back towards their forest home. "What was the point of coming in here?" Cedarpaw complained, her ears flicking restlessly as they slid out of the bushes and padded over to Echostar. Fernpaw stayed silent, thinking. "You aren't actually going to meet her, are you?" The brown tabby apprentice hissed, her voice full of disbelief. "If she has information about Magpiesong, then yes." Fernpaw replied, glancing over at where the ThunderClan cats were standing. The black and white tom's amber gaze was raking over the clearing as he followed a cream and dark grey she-cat out of the hollow. "You've got bees in your brain." Cedarpaw responded affectionately. "I'm going to stay curled up in my nice warm nest, thank you very much!" Her sister started racing forward, catching up to Juniperclaw, who purred and flicked his tail. Fernpaw flicked her ears in annoyance, hurrying forward and padding next to Volepaw, who was talking to Featherheart about how great it had been. "There were so many cats! Hawkeyes introduced me to a RiverClan apprentice named Pebblepaw, and a WindClan apprentice named Stoatpaw! It was great!" The black furred apprentice mewed, his yellow eyes shining with delight. She wished she was that excited about Gatherings, but then again, she was too worried about Magpiesong. I just don't trust him.

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