a bigger clan doesn't always mean a stronger one

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Fernpaw sat down next to Skullmask, her fur fluffed out against the cold wind. Echostar sat on the Tall Tree, her gaze sweeping over the camp. The grey and white apprentice watched as Juniperpaw and Seapaw padded up to the tree, along with their mentors, Ravenwing and Foxwhisker. "Cats of ShadowClan!" The dark grey leader called, her amber eyes shining.

"I, Echostar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices. They have trained hard to learn your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in turn." Echostar gazed at the two apprentices. "Juniperpaw, Seapaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

'I do!" Juniperpaw mewed quickly, and Seapaw repeated his brother's words. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Juniperpaw, from now on you will be known as Juniperclaw. StarClan honours your bravery and quick thinking, and welcomes you as a full warrior of ShadowClan." She then repeated the process for Seapaw, giving him the name of Seapelt. "Juniperclaw! Seapelt!" Fernpaw purred and padded over to the new warriors, welcoming them. Juniperclaw licked his pale brown chest fur self consciously, as Seapelt wrapped his tail around his pale paws.

"I wonder when we'll become warriors?" The grey and white apprentice glanced over her shoulder in surprise as Cedarpaw padded up. "Once we've finished our training, I assume." She replied, watching as her sister touched noses with Juniperclaw. "I have another announcement to make." Fernpaw pricked her ears as Featherheart stood up. "Hawkeyes and I are having kits!" The apprentice felt Cedarpaw nudge her. "But how would that work?" She asked, confused. "The kits won't be related to both of them- just one of them. Smokefur probably volunteered. Everyone knows he used to pad after Featherheart." Fernpaw replied, flicking Cedarpaw's ears with her tail. "Stupid furball!"

"Hey!" Seapelt mewed, ducking in between them. "Don't you dare fight! You'll never become a warrior like that." Cedarpaw flicked her tail. "Seapelt, you just became a warrior yourself! You have no right to tell us what to do." The grey blue warrior laughed. "True." Fernpaw started padding towards the apprentice den, yawning. Climbing up the slope that led to their den, she curled up in her nest, resting her tail over her muzzle. The grey and white she-cat listened as Cedarpaw slid into the den, resting in her nest.

It's so quiet without Juniperclaw and Seapelt... she thought, burrowing deeper into her nest. A frond of bracken poked uncomfortably into her flank, and she shook it off. "It feels weird without Juniperclaw and Seapelt." Cedarpaw mewed, echoing her sister's earlier thought. "True." Fernpaw mewed, raising her head from her nest. "They'll be at the thorn tunnel, sitting their vigil. But anyway, Volekit will be in here soon." She added, flicking her tail. "I wonder how he feels about Pumpkinkit deciding to train as a medicine cat?"

"Disappointed, I bet. I don't blame him; imagine how you would feel if just before our ceremony, I decided I wanted to be a medicine cat!' The brown tabby nodded, and started to groom her pelt. Fernpaw stretched her jaws wide in a yawn, and settling back into her nest. Their destiny is in the paws of StarClan, just the same as every cat. And every cat has to accept his or her destiny in the end. The grey and white apprentice shivered as the rogues flashed through her mind. I can't help but feel like my destiny is entwined with Magpiesong and Tumblepoppy's. Oh StarClan, what do you have planned for me?

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