C H A P T E R 14

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I sigh as I look over all the flowers in the garden. The sun is slowly setting, casting long shadows along the ground as the slanting rays of the sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky.

I don't know for how long I just sit there on the swing, slowly swaying my feet back and forth. This should've been the last place I'd come to get rid of my thoughts of Elijah, since this garden is filled with memories of us. 

But I still wanted to be here. I still find comfort in this beautiful garden even if he still manages to invade my thoughts with memories. At least it's good memories.

Just when I was about to get lost in my thoughts again, I heard soft footsteps nearing me from behind. Thinking it was Elijah, I released a heavy sigh. I came here wanting to get away from him for little bit to clear my head, especially after what happened earlier.

Before I can even get a word out, a gloved hand comes into view and a cloth is put over my mouth. My eyes instantly widen as I'm momentarily immobile from shock.

What the f-

Forcing myself to snap out of it, I briefly catch sight of the person. He's wearing a mask and black hoodie, so I couldn't see his face.

I struggle against his grip as he pulls me from the swing, my heart almost beating out of my chest. I kick my legs and claw at his hands, adrenaline running through my bloodstream as I try to fight back.

My lungs are screaming as I hold my breath, not wanting to inhale the toxic fumes on the cloth. He tries to drag me backwards but I manage to jab him in the stomach with my elbow, catching him off guard. The grip of his hand over my mouth and body loosens and I take that opportunity to twist in his grip and roughly push him away.

He falls backwards and I inhale deeply, trying to catch my breath but all I manage to do is cough uncontrollably. I don't get another chance to get a good look at the guy before he is back on his feet and running away.

I start feeling light headed and my vision slightly blurs with each step I try to take.

I don't get very far before my eyes flutter close and I'm falling to the ground.


"She's going to be okay. Luckily for her, the bruises won't cause any lasting damage." I faintly hear a voice say before my eyes slowly start to open.

"Here's some pain medication she can take as soon as she wakes up." The voice says again before I hear the sound of a door shutting.I groan as I try to sit up but I'm gently pushed back down.

"Take it easy, Angel." Elijah softly mutters and I glance over at him. He's frowning down at me as he tucks me back in and makes sure I'm comfortable.

I close my eyes for a minute, my head throbbing as everything replays in my mind. Everything happened so fast.

When I open my eyes again, Elijah is looking at me. His jaw this clenched and he looks seconds away from punching something.

"What happened?"He asks. "Who did this?"He tries to control his pent up anger by fisting his hands.

I shake my head, feeling completely helpless. "I don't know. He was wearing a mask and everything happened so quickly. I don't..." I trail off, my breathing quickening, frustrated with myself for not handling it better. For not being able to at least pull the mask from his face.

I sit up and this time Elijah doesn't push me back down. I lift my hands to bury my face in them but he pulls them away and gently tugs me closer towards his chest.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." He runs his hand through my hair. "You managed to get out of his hold and I'm proud of you." He says softly against my hair.

I sigh heavily, closing my eyes and also loving the way his fingers runs through my hair with such gentleness.

For a moment we just sit there. Elijah holds me and gives me time to process everything even though I can still feel how tense he is. He is controlling his anger and I know it's probably killing him not knowing who it was.

I pull away and he frowns as he looks at me. His hand reaches up and softly runs over my cheek. I slightly wince and his frown deepens.

"You fell pretty hard." He mutters, his eyes tracing the side of my face. "A bruise is already darkening to a truly terrifying shade of purple, mostly on your cheekbone."

He grunts angrily before taking some pills from his nightstand and a glass of water. "Pain medication." He informs and I drink them eagerly, badly wanting the pain to lessen.

"There aren't cameras in the garden, that's probably why he chose that moment to attack." Elijah gets up from the bed and I instantly miss his closeness and warmth.

"Fucking mole." He mutters under his breath, deep in thought.

I look at him. Not knowing what to do. I don't like feeling like this. Useless. I wanted to help. That was the main reason why I came here in the first place and I messed it up.

Amist the silence in the room, I suddenly remembered something.


He looks over at me. "Yes, Angel."

"Did you send Lorenzo to get documents for you earlier?" I ask and he narrows his eyes.

"No. Why?" My heart beats faster at the possibility that my attacker might have been Lorenzo. He did seem oddly suspicious earlier, almost like he was hiding something.

I lift my chin and look Elijah straight in the eye. "I saw him leaving your office before going to the garden. He said that he went to get documents for you." I start telling him every detail of our encounter, not wanting to miss anything.

Elijah takes everything in as I describe his behavior from earlier. His brows are pulled together and his hands are still balled into tight fists.

As soon as I'm done, he thanks me for telling him before rushing out of the room.

I sigh for the thousandth time today before laying back down and looking up to the ceiling.

Closing my eyes, I try to clear my head from all my raging thoughts, welcoming the darkness as I slip into a deep sleep.


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