C H A P T E R 27

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After Nicole had left, I slowly slid down the wall and pulled my knees to my chest. I wrapped my arms around my legs and closed my eyes for a bit, feeling the ten-ton weight of everything that's happened settle over each limb of my body.

I don't know how long I drifted off for but it could've been an hour later or a minute. I wasn't sure.

Since there isn't any windows down here, it's hard to tell how long we've been here when we finally start hearing groaning from the cell next to mine.

My heart leaps in my chest.


He starts coughing profusely and I immediately press myself against the steal gate, trying to get a better view of the cell next to me but failing miserably.

"Elijah!" I try to whisper-yell because I don't want Nikolai to know he is awake yet.

"Boss." I hear Enzo say as he looks over at him. Luckily his cell is right across from him, so he's able to see him much better.

"Is he okay?" I desperately want to know as I look over at Enzo. He just gives me curt nod but doesn't take his eyes from Elijah.

Why do I feel like he's lying to me?

"You can be honest with me," I scowl at him because the last thing I need right now is my feelings being coddled.

Enzo sighs before looking over at me, "It looks like he went twelve rounds with a gang of angry piñatas at a birthday party gone wrong."

I glare at him, seriously this is not the time for sarcasm.

He sighed before his eyes soften, "He is not in good shape, Angela."

My hands tighten around the gate, my heart pounding so hard against my chest, I fear it might punch a hole through my chest. My eyes sting with unshed tears. Just the mere thought of him hurt unwillingly causes my head to spiral into dark thoughts of losing him. 

I can't lose him.

"Hey man, you okay?" My eyes drift over to Dante as he glances emotionlessly over at Elijah's cell. He is still sitting on the ground with his head leaned back against the wall. His hair is a mess, his clothes disheveled with traces of blood but he doesn't look like he feels anything as he speaks. "I almost thought I lost you too." His forced laugh makes me flinch as he looks away from Elijah and up at the ceiling, his smile slowly fading.

"Dante-" I try to say but he waves me off and turns his back towards us. I look over at Enzo but he only shakes his head and nods towards Elijah.

His coughs rings through the silence as I hear shuffling, "Ange-" Some more coughing, "Angel..." His whisper is the last thing hear before the sound of a loud thud hits the ground.

"Elijah!" I gasp, my heart beating a mile a minute. "What happened? Is he okay? Enzo answer me! Is he okay?!"Enzo's eyes widen as he stares at the cell across from him.

"I think we need to call someone."

"What?" I shake my head, "No they'll just finish the job faster! If you think these people will actually help him then you're dumber than I thought." 

"As hard as it is to hear this, Angela, I don't think they would want to give him a quick death. Nikolai is a sick bastard, and he would want to drag this out as much as possible. So I suggest we call someone, or we might just lose him." He says with heated frustration.

I catch Dante looking over his shoulder towards Elijah before his eyes meets mine. He gives me reassuring nod as a lump form in my throat. I shake my head as my eyes start to sting again, "They'll kill him." I whispered but he lets out a sad sigh before turning around and slowly standing up. 

"Lorenzo is right." He says softly before clearing his throat. "I know you're scared but you don't have to worry about him. If you think he'll let some low lives kill him, you might not really have gained your memories back after all." He gives me a small smile.

A tear rolls down my cheek but I quickly rub it away before letting out a soft broken chuckle. "You're right."

"I mean come on, have I ever been wrong?" He shrugs.

Leave it to Dante to make jokes when his heart is in literal pieces over the girl he lost. As hard as he tries to hide behind this mask, he's still human and one way or another it will eventually fall off.

"Thank you." I say and he gives me another reassuring smile.

I take a deep breath before shouting for someone to urgently come down. I'm sure Nikolai has someone posted outside the door, he wouldn't risk anything happening. My thoughts are confirmed correct when two men run down the stairs. 

"Quick, help him! There's something wrong with Elijah." The words rush out as they pass me and look over at Elijah. The slightly taller looking guy looks over at me before hesitantly opening the cell. They both stand outside the cell, not moving.

"What are you waiting for! Help him!"

They both look at each other before stepping into the cell, and disappearing from my view. "Grab his legs, I'll take his arms." One says and the other grunts in responds. 

Since I can't see anything and only hear shuffling, I look over at Enzo and frown when I notice that he is. . . smirking?



My heart stops as soon as the sound of a gun shot rings through the room.


I flinch as another shot is fired and squeeze my eyes shut. I can't breathe, can't move, as my feet stay rooted in their place.

I can't lose him.

"It's about time." Enzo's voice filters through the air but I refuse to open my eyes. "I was beginning to think I actually lost you for a second there."

A low chuckle then echo's through the room, which finally causes my eyes to shoot open and clash with a pair of stormy grey ones.


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