C H A P T E R 23

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There's so much screaming and it's giving me a headache more than the gun shots ringing through this place.

As soon as the first shot fired, I immediately grabbed Angela and pulled her behind me as I ran for cover.

We reach one of the hallways leading towards the bathrooms and I usher her toward them but she resisted.

"Elijah no." She pulls out of my grip, looking up at me with a fierce look on her face. "I can help. Whatever's happening. I can help."

I'm already shaking my head, trying to push her into one of the rooms but she pushes me back. My ears are ringing, the shouting and shooting behind us are getting louder.

"Angela please. I know you can protect yourself but I just-" my head feels like it's going to explode while my lungs are fighting for air. "I just. . . want you to be safe. I want to be able to come back to you." I rush out as the words stumble out of me.

I didn't even realize that I was breathing heavily until I feel Angela's lips against mine and she steals the little bit of breath I had left. She pulls back and looks me in the eyes, "I can do this, Elijah." She whispers. "Everything is going to be okay. And I'm going to be the one who's coming back to you."

I take a deep breath and let air slowly fill my lungs and close my eyes for a moment. "Okay." I open my eyes and look back her, slowly nodding my head. "Okay angel. Just please. . . please be careful."

She smiles softly as I bring my hands to her face, running my thumbs over her cheeks. She's the most important person in my life and if I loose her. . . 

I shake my head, not wanting to think about that. She's going to be okay. She will be okay.

 I softly place a kiss on her forehead before whispering,"I love you, angel." Her eyes slightly widens and I close my eyes as I lean my head against hers, continuing to say, "I've loved you since the day you skipped into that room and asked me my name. I've loved you since you've brought this irresistible light into my very dark world..."

More gun shots ring out in the background and I pull Angela closer against me and deeper behind the corner. I need to tell her now, it can't wait. I look into her deep green eyes, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. "Not even the sun can outshine the light you radiate. Your light keeps on brightening the never-ending darkness I'm constantly surrounded in and . . . I  w-would do anything to make sure that light keeps on burning." My voice slightly breaks but I don't care.

Her mouth opens to say something but I kiss her. I kiss her hard yet softly as I pour everything into this kiss. Time seems to stand still as I slowly pull back. "Tell me when we're all safe and back home. Promise me, that I'll get to hear you say those words."

My chest tightens as her eyes start to shine. "I promise."

"Pinky promise." We both say with a small smile as we look at each other.

My heart feels heavy. I don't want to do this. 

Things weren't suppose to play out like this. This was a risk I was willing to take to put an end to this once and for all, but I don't feel like going through with it.

The thought of losing Angela, makes me want to shoot something. My heart feels heavy but I can feel it pounding in my ears. I can't loose her.

She's everything to me.

That's why I can't watch as she rounds the corner and goes back into the mess that was my mother's birthday celebration.

But she's right, she can protect herself and deep down I know that. I've seen it. She's stronger and smarter. I just have to put my faith in her and trust that she'll keep her promise.

I steal myself and prepare myself mentally before rounding the corner.

My father isn't getting away with this. Not this time.

He's going to pay with a bullet through his heart.


sorry for the short chapter but I'll try to update within this week🩷

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