C H A P T E R 16

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"Angela wait, I didn't mean that-"

She abruptly turns around, pinning me with the most hateful glare I've ever seen on her and it's directed towards me. My chest tightens and my fists ball with the need to hit something- most likely myself for saying something so stupid.

I hold my breath as she takes slow steps towards me. I open my mouth to apologize to her but she holds up her hand and stops in front of me.

"Answer one question for me, Elijah." She says while looking at me straight in the eye.

I only manage to nod, not wanting to upset her any more than I already have.

"Do you think I can defend myself if someone had to attack me at this moment?"

The thought of someone attacking her at all, darkens my mood and causes my gaze to reflexly sweep the room for dangers I know isn't there. When I look back down at her, she stares at me so intensely that I catch glimpses of vulnerability in her eyes.

I take a step towards her but the step she takes back, makes my chest hurt. "Yes Angela, I think you can defend yourself."

She lets out a laugh of disbelief while shaking her head. She doesn't even reply to my answer and only turns around getting ready to leave again. I grunt and catch her wrist but she roughly tugs out of my grip and glares at me with slightly glassy eyes.

"Angel..." I don't know what to say and only stare at her.

"I really thought you had a little bit more faith in me, Elijah."

I frown at her words, "Of course I have faith in you-"

"No you don't." She slightly shakes her head. "Then you would not have said that you 'think' I could defend myself, you would have known that I could. You would have come down here everyday and encouraged me while I trained. You would have checked up on me yourself and not send Gio down here instead. And you wouldn't have said what you did a few moments ago."

I'm at a loss for words. I didn't think that she actually wanted me down here in the first place, so I tried to keep my distance.

Clearly she needed someone to confide in but was too proud to actually sit down and talk to someone. I can see it in the way she's trying to keep a brave face and not let her tears fall. She didn't want to admit that she actually wanted someone to talk to about what happened and how it really bothered her.

I had thought she talked to Nicole but clearly she didn't tell her how she truly felt. The thought of her secretly wanting me to come talk and comfort her makes my chest tighten with the need to pull her close.

"Angela I'm- " She shakes her head again, wanting me to stop talking but I grab her hands and pull her towards me. "Wait, let me speak. Please."

She doesn't say anything, so I continue, "That night when I found you laying there - hurt - it felt as if my heart wanted to jump out of chest and go and check up on you itself. My mind was racing with thoughts of who had hurt you and if you would be okay. I was angry with myself for not being there to protect you-"

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