C H A P T E R 13

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My breath hitches as the words leave Elijah's mouth. He always had a way of saying things that made me speechless. Like right now, he's staring at me as if no one else can compare to me. As if no one else can make him feel the way I make him feel.

He hasn't directly confessed any feelings towards me but he has shown it before. Whether it was with the small things he said or through his actions, he always seems to take a piece of my heart each time. 

The feelings didn't fade, Angela. You and me both know that's a lie.

Nicole's words replay in my head. Do I really have romantic feelings towards Elijah or is it only that I care for him as my once childhood bestfriend?

My breathing grows heavier as Elijah continues to stare at me, his eyes falling to my lips for a split second before returning back to my eyes. His chest starts to raise and fall too as his breathing escalates.

His hand tightens around mine as he stares at me intensely. "Don't look at me like that." He breathes out softly and it's only now that I notice how close our faces are as his breath fans my face.

"Like what?" I ask softly, never taking my eyes from his.

"Like you want me to kiss you."

My heart nearly stops at hearing him say that. Without my consent, my eyes fall to his lips and I immediately shake my head no. Looking back up at him, I try my hardest to calm my breathing. "I don't want you to kiss me." I whisper, not believing a single word that leaves my mouth.

He slowly brings up his other hand and softly curls his finger under my chin to tilt my head up. I almost shiver as his breath fans against my lips but contain myself and continue to look up at him. 

He stares at me for a few moments, his eyes searching mine with an intensity I haven't felt before. His thumb then brushes over my cheek and I'm tempted to close my eyes but don't, because for some odd reason I really want to continue looking at him like this.

"Your mouth may lie to me, Angel, but your eyes. . . your eyes never lie."

My heart starts throbbing a bit faster in my chest as I continue to stare at him and not say anything, because my brain is having a hard time forming a few words at the moment. 

Just as I was about to lean in a bit more, we start hearing shouting downstairs. That not only snaps me out of whatever trans I was in but also makes my body move away from Elijah. For a brief moment I see hurt flash across his eyes but then it's quickly replaced with a blank expression as he gets up from the bed.

He then points towards the door almost hesitantly before saying, "I'm gonna go see what Dante is shouting about." 

I only manage to nod, not being able to say a thing as words clogged my throat. Elijah gives me one last longing look before turning and leaving the room. As soon as the door shuts behind him, I release the breath I was holding.

What the hell just happened?

Sitting in the now silent room, the only thing I can hear is the sound of my heart - it's beating so hard I thought it would tear out of my chest at any moment. I can't believe I almost kissed him and I'm almost sure he was going to kiss me back too. My hand fists my chest, my heart pounding as I think about what could've happened if I didn't pull away.

I shake my head, not wanting to think about what had just happened. There's some more shouting downstairs and this time it's Elijah's voice. My brows furrow when I notice that he sounds annoyed and angry. Who's he yelling at?

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