29. silent movies

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pre-chapter note: hey everyone! I was meant to post on Saturday but when I logged in, half of my chapter had been deleted (maybe I forgot to save?)

also my eye is twitching for no reason, I think I'm having my Luisa moment 💅

anyway, this chapter will contain (Y/n)'s song, hence the note before the chapter itself.

I've used Aquilo's song Silent Movies for it, and I'll put the link to it below so you can check it out! But if you don't like it, you can always use some other song that you prefer :)

I hope you enjoy reading!

Silent Movies - Aquilo:

"So your gift has been taking over without you even realizing?"

"That's pretty much it, yeah." You breathe out at Leta's question. It had taken you a few minutes to calm down and explain everything, from the episodes you had a few years ago to today's. "And I could have imagined so many things without even noticing it wasn't true-"

"Well, let me tell you something." Luca squeezes your shoulder reassuringly. "You smacking Angela with that tray wasn't an illusion."

You snort bitterly, placing a hand over his to show appreciation. "That's comforting."

"Now come one, now." Leta shakes her head and stands up, opening her arms. "That wasn't even close to comforting. You need a hug!"

"I-" You start to protest, but Luca grabs both your shoulders and pulls you up.

"She does need a hug. Do your thing, Leta."

"Tu-tu! You get to help too." Leta pulls both of you towards her, and soon you find yourself wrapped in a warm embrace, gently squeezed in between your two friends, and you can't imagine you had been about to refuse this. Your tense body relaxes with the touch of Leta's arms around your shoulders and the feeling of Luca's chest against your back.

You felt sheltered, safe. It was a place you could let go of everything, without any fear of judgemental glances being thrown your way. Without hearing any murmured rumors following your every step. You smile, and you taste the tears that keep rolling down your cheeks. It's salty and refreshing.

"Man, what a day. After climbing all those stairs in Bruno's tower and this rollercoaster of emotions, I'm completely exhausted."

You pull away from Leta, raising a curious brow.

"You didn't take the lift?"

Before she could even answer your question, you see Dolores quickly walk towards the dining room, where almost all the family was welcoming Mariano and his grandmother. You could hear them chit-chatting and, sometimes, a polite laugh.

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