flashback #5

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'Dear random little notebook that I found in my desk,

You ain't no diary. Because I wouldn't have the patience to write a diary and my days are not that interesting anyway. You're just a random little notebook I found in my desk, and so I shall address to you as such.

I've decided it is too dangerous to ruminate the past, because of my gift that I really can't control right now. But I'm scared if I don't remind myself of those things, I'll forget them. So I'm gonna write them down, hide you somewhere and reread those words when I want to remember. When it's safe to remember.

Number One:
Tío Bruno used to wince when he brushed his teeth. He hated the taste of the toothpaste.

Number Two:
He always helped mom in the kitchen. I loved to watch, and all I could do was watch because I've been banned from the kitchen ever since I mixed up salt and sugar when I tried to make a birthday cake for Isa.

Number Three:
He also was very good at calming Tía Pepa down. I often copy his behavior to keep her from exploding before we get to the fields.

Number Four:
He's missing one teeth, one of the back ones, fortunately. It's because Luisa elbowed him in the face once (accidentally). Mom's arepas can't make your teeth grow back when you don't take it immediately after hand, and Tío Bruno didn't want to bother her. He was like that.

Number Five:
He gave the best hugs. I can't remember what he smells like, but I know I used to like it.

Number Six:
I miss him very much. And I'm afraid he's dead, but at the same time, maybe I wish he was. Because it would mean he never once came back to us.

Or maybe he's completely lost and can't find the way home. That would be more like him. But who gets lost for seven years?

Tío would.

I'll come back later, maybe. I haven't had time to write everything, and those weren't the most important.

To be continued, I guess.'

You close the notebook quickly when you hear you name getting called in the distance. Putting down your pen, you wait for Casita to open the small niche in the wall in which you had decided to hide the notebook. It would stay there until you would needed it again, the rats being the only ones aware of its existence.

You carefully place it in the wall and smile to yourself.

"See you later, dear random little notebook that I found in my desk."

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