31. hello, niña

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"Aye, mija..." Julieta strokes your face with a scowl. "You really made her angry this time."

You both steal a glance at Abuela, who was not too happy about your little show introducing your family's troubles just now. She sighs disappointedly, before following the Guzmans out. Mariano's grandmother was furious.

"Wait- the magic is strong! Everything is fine! We are the Madrigals!"

You hear the door slam and look back at your mother. You both chuckle, and she pulls you behind her as she walks to the kitchen. You sit on the counter as she searches for some leftovers, the dinner she had put so much effort into for tonight being ruined by Pepa's cloud. Finally, she finds an arepa -there was always an arepa around- and shoves it in your mouth.

"Here. That should heal your back- you scared me when you fell back like that! How many times do I have to tell you not to rock your chair?"

You huff out a fakely offended breath, munching on your arepa. "You don't have to tell me no more, mother. I know the risks."

You grimace as you strengthen your bruised back, then freeze. It was still hurting, even though the pain was more sour than before. You hurriedly finish your arepa, and note that your bruises were not fully healed.

Your mother's gift was fading.

"Something wrong?" Julieta asks when she notices your frown. You jump, surprised by her question, and give her a wide smile.

"Nope. Everything's alright." You pat her shoulder reassuringly, confusing her even more, but a thunderbolt sounds, sparing you from the questions. "Except maybe the upcoming hurricane. And the magic- where's Mirabel, by the way?"

If Casita could talk, it would have happily told you Mirabel was chasing a little man and his rats in the wall. Instead, the house's tiles gave you a weak push towards the courtyard, which was not of much help.

"I don't know, mija, but you should probably go see your Tía. She could use your help. And your father's looking for Mirabel."

"I guess I should go help Tía then." You sigh, hopping off the counter and heading towards the courtyard. Before you exit the room, your mother hugs you briefly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

"I'm proud of you, (Y/n)."

You raise a questioning eyebrow. "For joking about our family's downfall in front of the whole town?"

She breathes in and tilts her head, thinking. "Yes. Because this is how you are, and you were not afraid to show it. You're brave, braver than most of us in the family."

"Uh," You nod in approval. "true."

She laughs. You smile.

"Come on, now. I have to speak to Abuela, so go take care of Pepa for me, okay?"

"Yup. Good luck."

She takes a deep breath, bracing herself for what's to come.

"I'll need it."


"Tía?" You gently open the door after knocking on it and getting no response. You knew she was in there with Camilo and Carlos, while Félix tried to distract Antonio from all the ruckus by playing with him in his room.

"It's okay, mami, deep breath in, deep breath out..."

A loud banging makes everyone in the room jump. Pepa panics, zapping Camilo with lightning.

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