Chapter twenty one(21) Blind Love

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Two very good looking eligible bachelors sat in a coffee shop discussing over their mug of hot cocoa, I mean Adyan had a cup of dark coffee while Afdal had the latter.
The discussion revolves about their upcoming graduation which would be due in five days time.
"What's the point in being all excited, Dad would make me work my ass off in his company once I get done with the country...." Adyan tried to explain to his cousin and best buddy why they don't need to do anything lavish for the upcoming ceremony cause to him it wasn't worth it

"Or probably get you married to the woman of your dream" Afdal said with a mischievous smirk displaying on his ever handsome face as he winked at a waitress who was found of him.

Adyan ran his hands over his coils which needed trimming he thought, he was utterly oblivious of what was to come once he flew back to Nigeria but he knew with his dramatic sister (Laila) now the choice maker in the house he was sure to expect a bunch of surprises.

"Tell me something Muhammad... Do you love her" Afdal asked out of the blue as he took a long sip from his hot cocoa.
Adyan irked an eyebrow in question then raised it down after Afdal gave him the "You know what I'm talking about look".

"I don't know man... judging from the way we Started I'm still kinda confused about how I feel towards here, but one things for sure..." he kept Afdal on suspense

"What's that? An impatient Afdal asked

"Now I know I can live under the same roof share the same everything with her without a worry about getting a fight and skinning each other alive, now that I've known her she seems not exactly like I thought she was... except for the tantrums though it's never ending" Adyan explain as a smile escapes his lips at the thought.

"I think you do love her, I mean look at you saying all this, smiling sheepishly over a few words,getting worked up over a small argument, coming to me for help on how to get her back after a little fight... it's not just caring! It's called love you are blindly in love with her that you can't even see that for yourself" Afdal said earning a look from Adyan.

"You think? He asked
"Yeah sure" Afdal replies with a chuckle

"And you have to tell her not just keep it in there" he added pointing at Adyan's left side of chest.

Adyan was lost in thought for a minute before a smile graced his face.

"I think you are right.. I do love her" he whisper to himself as Afdal paid for their coffee.

They stood up to leave and almost bumped into Sara on the doorway.

"Hey there Sara" Adyan greeted cheerfully due to the mode he was in suddenly. Sara only waved with a faint smile and Afdal greeted too but she glared at him instead before replying.
Afdal who was used to her harmless playful glares didn't take it personal.

The made to the door but realized Sara was still stucked behind.

"Hey pretty don't you wanna come home?" Afdal asked
"No don't worry I'm just going to have some tea then go to a friend nearby" she lied.
They both wished her well and walked away.

Sara's POV

I'm I beginning to hear well or was that Adyan coming in terms with the fact that he loves whoever that Kaltoom bitch is..? Saying her name felt so wrong.

I was awestruck, I already had plans, I was going to confess how I feel to Muhammad before he departs to his country to that god forsaken girl!

I was scheming ways of making him mine by hook or by crook and never the less that stupid confession Afdal just made him blurt out won't stop me or hinder any of my plan.

I was raised better than to let go before trying.
I don't even care whether my love is blind cause the person it's meant for doesn't know or see that I'm in love with him, cause at the end I was going to have him all to myself and am not freaking going to spare anyone who came between him and I.

I was lost in thought when my hot cocoa arrived
"I didn't order this... what's wrong with you people? If you can't take a freaking order why don't you just lock up this shop and stop thinking of doing anything business related since it doesn't seem like you know anything about it" I said on top of my voice as everyone's attention was on me and the poor looking girl whom I've caught a number of times picking stares at Adyan.

She was apologizing but I didn't care one bit to listen as I grabbed my phone and purse and stormed out of the coffee shop.
I brought my car along so I went in and locked myself I felt really pained.

Nothing serious has happened yet but it was getting a toil on me... this is the moment I've made up my mind to wrench any girl who tries to come between I and my Adyan.

Things were too much for me, I needed a permanent solution I thought as I felt hot liquids dripping off my face.

I dialed my best friend number Faima and she picked on the first ring as if on cue I let out the cry that was hanging on my throat.

It wasn't easy keeping my sobs in as Faima helped me calmed down through FaceTime and I narrated everything to her.

She let out a chuckle which did no good to my temper but I had to calm down knowing just how smart Faima is...

Short chapter? Manage......
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