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When you a person that strongly believes in prayer, even though you are aware of bewitching its very difficult to put your beliefs aside and ask for help,but here I was at 4am in the morning with my stubborn step daughter that heard my screams and refused to stay behind after she saw my face. I had blisters everywhere and huge black pimples. One was the size of my own nose. It didn't pain nor itch but I looked like ibhawula( those tin stoves) everyone in the car was silent as Hlelo drove. His mom was sitting with him in the front and I was at the back with Yamihle holding my hand and my baby brother in law Melo who was looking at me every now and than and knowing him I know is brains trying to make sense of it all.
Melo: Am sorry sisi but I have to ask. What happened?
Ma: Melokhuhle!!
Melo: Sorry.
Me: I woke up like this
Melo: Just like that? From a smooth skin to this?
Hlelo: One day ill explain to it.
Yamihle: Is it Lucia?
Everyone was shocked and I looked at her and smiled.
Hlelo: Why you say that
Yamihle: she was perfectly fine earlier on. So is it Lucia
I really can't expose her to the evils of the world so soon.
Me: No, its Gods will
Yamihle: why is Gods will happening now that am here?
This was going wrong so fast. The car stopped moving so fast as we pull aside her father turned on his seat and looked as pissed as a lion about to chow a person.

That scared me as he looked at me, I looked down.
Dad: look at me.
I did
Dad: what happening to Nyakallo has nothing to do with you. And you being here. Now moving forward if anything bad happens that Lucia might or might have not done is totally not your fault. Do I make myself clear?
I nodded
Dad: No, say it. Tell me " whatever Lucia does it not on me"
Me: whatever lucia does is not on me.
Dad: Good.
He turned and started the car.
Mom: I love you
I felt tears and I couldn't speak but smile, deep down I knew that this has lucia all over her and I wish I could talk to her just to ask her to stop ruining the one good thing in my life. I closed my eyes and prayed. I prayed so hard for God to protect my parents and to return all the bad vodoo stuff to the sender.

Its been a week and I must say iv been using this guy things and guys are begging me to be they woman apart the one man I want. The only man I want, his been off social media and that bugs me. Iv now been sleeping outside his home and all I could see are his guards. Today I was doing my random drive by when I saw her. I saw my daughter looking amazing with him under a tree that now has two swings. He was sitting on one swing and her on the other and Yamihle was crying and he was talking to her looking horrible. His beard looked a few days old and he looked horrible, like haunted. I parked and watched them talk than hug as she cried in her arms, i saw him wipe a tear too. I was so curious to know what happened so I drove to the guy.
Me: What happening?
Guy: where?
Me: The guy I want is in pain and my daughter is crying and I don't know what happening.
Guy: look into that bowl and you will see how all the things you been doing this week has been doing to her.

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