Chapter 3

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Lavda poured the wine as Briseis reclined on the couch. The heat of the day was beginning to pass, for which Briseis was grateful. She'd spent the morning down at the wall supervising construction. Everything was on track, just four months after repairs began on the Hittite side of the wall, it was nearly finished. Lavda's home was across the city in the merchant district, and from the balcony Briseis could see the portion of the wall her men were working to repair at that very moment. Briseis was too far away to see the workers or much movement, but just knowing they were there made her happy.   

Masters from the Builders' Guild flooded the worksite since day one to observe how well the new stone held up. They left excited about and bewildered with the stone formula, many drafting plans for extensions to their homes or parts of the city which would now be more affordable. Her portion of the treasury wasn't as full with all the expenses that came with this venture, but at least with the reduction of Briseis' household to just one maiden it was easier to afford. Selling the eggs and feathers of her chickens helped, though many of the eggs now had to go into the mortar rather than the market. If Briseis was to keep her portion of the treasury a sizable sum she needed to find another source to grow it.

Briseis briefly considered using her dowry but that money was carefully watched even though it sat unused. Hers in name only as it would all go to her husband, although it was unlikely she'd have one at this stage in her life, she couldn't use those coffers for her own purposes. Briseis had recently begun to suffer headaches with all the considerations that weighed on her. She'd needed to get away, and that was how she found herself at the new home of her old friend.

"Success looks weary," Lavda joked as she handed the cup to Briseis.

"It's a weariness I'm learning to endure."

Lavda sat down on the couch opposite Briseis and sipped from her own glass. "You should be proud, Briseis. You've earned the renown this has brought you. I've overheard people in the markets calling you Briseis the Builder." 

"Not the worse name I could be called. Better than Princess of the Black Sun at least." Briseis had always hated that nickname, especially since the patron god of Pedasus was Apollo, the god of the sun, eclipses were seen as a symptom of his wrath as he was denying them warmth and light. Many in Pedasus believed the end of the world would begin with an eclipse which would never subside. To be associated with it as Briseis was, having been born during an eclipse and an eclipse striking again when she entered the city as a babe carried by her father, the nickname was so enshrouded with the people it was unlikely to change.

"I still prefer that. I think it makes you sound fearsome."

"Such a desirous quality for the fairer sex," Briseis chuckled.

"Briseis, I have news for you. News I hope you'll be glad to hear but first, I have a big surprise for you. Follow me." Lavda stood up and offered Briseis her arm. 

The private balcony they'd been using was silent and serene, the rest of the home was anything but. Servants and children ran back and forth in preparation for the coming of Lavda's parents. Lavda was the princess of a minor kingdom by the sea called Poseid, named for the god of the ocean. Her older brother sat as king after their father made the unusual choice to abdicate so his son might rule while still young.

Lavda was the seventh child of the former king. Though royal, Lavda hadn't spent much time in the kingdom of her birth, she'd been sent to Pedasus at two years old to be raised alongside and serve Briseis. Pedasus was much more Lavda's home than that sea side kingdom. However, Poseid traditions were something the woman kept alive in her life through study, and because of that, Briseis had a sneaking suspicion about the type of surprise Lavda was taking her too.

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