Chapter 31

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"Is there anything I can get you?" Briseis asked while wringing her hands.

"It's only a small fever and some indigestion." Kegarta lay in Briseis' bed in their new quarters. The nobles were shouting in the library right next door, limiting Kegarta's ability to get the rest she needed.

Kegarta frowned at the look on her mistress' face. "I will be fine, Princess. This brand is the least I could do and the sickness will pass quickly."

Over the last week Kegarta had repeated that sentence more times than Briseis could count. True, Briseis saved the girl's life by promising a favor to a god, but she didn't believe Kegarta willingly letting herself be marred was fair on the handmaiden's part. Kegarta's sudden illness wasn't surprising as the girl's constitution was weaker than average. Kegarta had been well more often this past year than usual, which sparked hope in both of them she was outgrowing her weakened constitution. Still, Briseis feared the illness combined with Kegarta's energy being sapped as her body tried to recover from its recent trauma, would spell disaster. As soon as Kegarta was well Briseis intended to pay Umna back ten fold, though she hadn't figured out how. A knock on the door drew Briseis from her dark thoughts.

Kegarta began to get up. "No," Briseis told her, "it won't kill me to answer the door." Kegarta rolled her eyes but lowered herself back to the bed.

"Arachne," the young weaver stood with a heavy basket in her arms and a smile on her face. "Come in," Briseis welcomed her newest servant.

"Forgive me for not coming sooner, my Princess. Umna ordered an entire new wardrobe for the upcoming festival of Ares. Not just for her either, but her sons and even her handmaidens are included in the order."

"She certainly enjoys her wealth and power," Briseis muttered. She nodded to Morgan, who stood outside the door, silent as always. The man hadn't spoken two words since being assigned his post. He was alone, which was odd but Briseis decided not to comment. Briseis closed the door and went to sit beside the bed. "What have you brought?"

"Fresh fruit. I doubt you've had any since moving to these quarters. The lesser wives often only get what's been rejected by the higher ones, per Umna's orders." Arachne set her bounty on the table and looked distastefully at the wall. It was covered in hash marks, the previous occupant of the room had been counting, but their identity and the reason for the marks were a mystery.

"You are very kind, Arachne," Kegarta told the other girl.

The girl brightened. "I want to serve our mistress well and be a friend to you, Lady Kegarta."

"You don't need to call me lady, I'm not noble. My father was from an illegitimate line."

At Kegarta's declaration of being a commoner Arachne was clearly confused. Instead of explaining, Briseis launched into a topic of more importance. "What I require most at the moment is information. Have you lived here your entire life?" Briseis took a sampling of Kegarta's favorite fruit to the girl. She'd managed to sit up and Briseis shoved another pillow between her back and the wall to make Kegarta more comfortable.

"I have. My family have been among the royal weavers for generations. I was born in the palace. Many of the servants were."

"How old are you?"


Briseis nodded, Arachne was only a few years younger than herself. Briseis was approaching her twenty-first year. Kegarta was Arachne's junior having turned fifteen upon their return from Troy, which seemed so long ago to Briseis now, but had been a month and a half in truth. "Tell me of Umna. I realize you were quite young when she arrived, but do you know if she's always been this way? Has anyone told you stories about her? Do you know where she comes from?"

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