(A/N: Hi and welcome. Thank you for deciding to read this book. This is a Gally fanfic and the face claim for my character Tanya is Zoey Deutch. Please don't plagiarise this in any way, shape or form. There may also be some explicit language in this story. I hope you enjoy. XxD)
"Ok, go get him," Newt ordered as Gally jumped down into the Box that all the boys in the Glade were gathered around.
The boy inside the Box was confused, to say the least, as his eyes adjusted to the light and he saw the figures of the group that surrounded him, at least until Gally grabbed the collar of his shirt as he said, "Day one, Greenie. Rise and shine."
And the boy was hauled out of the Box and onto the ground, scared as hell as the others all towered over him.
"He looks like a Slopper to me," one of them said, making the boy more confused than ever as to what was happening as he pushed himself to his feet, the grass wet beneath him from the morning dew that had yet to dry.
"We got a runner!" one screamed as they let the boy push past them and take off sprinting as fast as his legs could carry him despite not having the faintest clue where he was going. He just had to get away.
At least until he tripped and sent himself sprawling onto the ground as the boys laughed, up until a voice said, "Oi! What the hell are you shanks doing?"
How quickly they all fell silent as a girl pushed through the group of them, the smug looks on their faces dropping as they saw her annoyed expression.
"It's a wonder there's so many of you slintheads left considering you pull this shit every month," she spat before making her way over to where the boy had pulled himself to his feet. "Hey," she called, and he flinched as he spun, and she held her hands up in surrender.
"Who are you?! What is this place?!"
"Hey, look, I promise you'll get all the answers you're looking for but first I need you to calm down," she said softly as she flicked her dark hair out of her pale face, her chocolate eyes seeming gold in the sun, chocolate eyes that he had to admit, looked strangely familiar. The boy, however, still seemed apprehensive and his breathing rapid with panic.
"Greenie, listen up. You're safe. No one's gonna hurt you, but I need you to promise me that you're not going to run again," the woman urged, and the tension seemed to slide from his stance as he relaxed ever so slightly.
"I'm not gonna run," he promised, and she nodded as she set down her hands and came closer, still taking it one step at a time over the rough ground.
"My name is Tanya," she introduced, the girl dressed in a dark brown shirt and black leggings with a tool belt around her waist. "I'm not going to be the one to give you the tour but, if you do have questions, feel free to ask me instead of one of those dumb shanks," she offered as she pointed back to the group of boys that had slightly disbursed from around the Box.
"What? What are you talking -"
"All questions are to be held until after the tour, thank you," she smirked as she interrupted him before she spun on her heels, black combat boots tied on her feet. "He's all yours Alby," she called as a dark-skinned boy in a cream shirt emerged from the group of boys and began to walk over.
"I should've made you my second," he smiled at the girl who just shook her head, the newbie more confused than ever.
"You say that every month and yet, Newt keeps his position when he can't keep these shanks in line like I can," she retorted as she pulled Alby into a side hug and he pecked her cheek.
"Tanya has a knack for getting those guys to listen to her. So if they give you a hard time, she's your girl," he explained as the girl in question chuckled before tapping Alby's shoulder.
"I'll leave you to your tour. Welcome to the Glade, Greenie," she said with a smirk and a mock salute before turning back to the group of boys, her half-up hair flapping behind her as her walk radiated power. "Get your shucking asses back to work! Show's over!" she yelled as they all hastily turned away as scrambled back to their stations, all except one who just smirked at her. "That order applied to you as well," she shot, but Gally's smirk only grew.
"Last I checked I was Keeper of the Builders, not you," he pointed out.
"And yet, who do they listen to more?" she retorted as she walked past him, the boy only jogging to catch up as he slung his arm over her shoulders.
"You wish," she scoffed as she shoved him, but he kept his arm in place.
"Well, there was this really bossy girl who said we should get back to work, but I don't know if I feel like listenin' to her. She didn't really give me a good reason why I should."
Tanya ducked under his arm before shoving him forward.
"Get back to work Gally, or else you'll be sleeping by yourself tonight," she threatened, and he gave a rare smile as he walked backwards, facing Tanya.
"You love me too much to do that," he retorted before heading off to where the rest of the Builders were as they were calling their Keeper over.
Tanya smiled as she watched him go and continued to follow.
"Yeah, I do."

To The Shucking End
FanfictionTeresa wasn't the first girl to come up in the Box. Three years before the arrival of Thomas and Teresa, came Tanya, the Glade's first girl. As an accomplished Builder, she spends a lot of time with the Keeper, Gally, the first person she'd met wh...