But while Tanya and Gally had been rescuing the immunes, they were unaware that Teresa had managed to escape from Thomas and Newt. That she'd also told him about Subject A-1 being in the building and that she wanted them all alive as she made her way to her lab where she planned to test both Thomas and Tanya's blood.
Thomas and Newt on the other hand were creating quite the ruckus in the medical wing as they fought their way to Minho who'd heard the commotion and finally managed to break free of his captors that were planning on killing him by draining every last drop of serum from him that they could.
And no matter how relieved all three of them were to see each other, it faded pretty quickly when Janson started chasing after them and they locked themselves in a room with no other doors - the lock only buying them some time as they heard the whir of an angle grinder outside.
So, as usual, Thomas came up with an insane and possibly suicidal idea - he and Tanya seemed to have a knack for it - as he rolled a metal oxygen tank out of the window, watching it splash into the large and deep fountain that was at least a dozen stories below them.
And while the other two were sceptical at first, jumping out of a high-rise window seemed much more preferable to staying in that room with Janson who'd broken down the door, just in time to watch them fall.
To watch them fall and watch them come up for air as Thomas flipped him off as he did once before, over a year ago.
The boys had swum to the edge before pulling themselves out of the water and facing their new problem.
"Minho, you ok?" Thomas asked as he helped Newt out.
"Yeah," the boy groaned before they all turned to the sound of guns cocking and the group of six soldiers that were advancing on them.
"You three, don't move!" one of them ordered.
"Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me," Thomas sighed, his hair plastered to his forehead.
"Take it easy!" the soldier said as he saw the gun tucked in the front of Thomas' waistband, and then they saw Thomas reaching for the grenade in his pocket. "Uh-uh-uh! Don't even fucking think about it! Get on your knees and put your hands in the air!"
But before they could go any further or Thomas could come up with another potentially life-threating plan, two of the guards opened fire on the rest.
"You son of a bitch!" one of them groaned as they squirmed on the floor, unable to move as the current flowed through them and one of the guards simply fired another projectile that promptly shut him up.
"Honestly," the guard said, their voice sounding familiar and rather feminine as Thomas, Minho and Newt just retained their confused expressions. "We can't take you fucking shanks anywhere," Tanya said as she took off her mask, shaking out her braid that fell over her shoulder as Thomas and Newt sagged with relief.
"Tanya?" Minho panted in surprise, and she smiled at him as if she hadn't just shot two people.
"Good to see you in one piece Minho. You didn't think I was going to leave you behind, did you?"
"Left me behind," the guard next to her said as Tanya grew annoyed and whacked his arm.
"Not voluntarily. And at least they got Minho out without a spear impaled in his chest," she remarked to the other guard who took off their helmet.
"Gally?" Minho exhaled in complete and utter disbelief, Tanya only smirking as he looked to the other boys for an explanation.
"Minho," he returned before looking up at the window the three of them had just jumped out into a fountain. "You guys are fucking nuts."
"And we're friends with them. Doesn't exactly make us sane, Gals," Tanya retorted as she broke into a run to follow Gally. "Come on guys, let's move," she called as they helped up Newt before rushing across the road, at least until Tanya noticed Minho still standing there frozen. "Run now, explain later," she promised as she grabbed his hand and pulled him into a sprint.
They ran for a while before sliding onto the ground as they hid behind some concrete benches as patrols zoomed past them.
"Well, they're definitely pissed," Gally panted as he, Thomas and Tanya hid behind one, Minho and Newt behind the one next to him.
"I know how they feel," Tanya scowled as she whacked Thomas' arm for putting his wet hair in her face as he slid onto the ground.
"Fuck, Tan, it was an accident! Get over it!" Thomas snapped.
"You fucking get over it," she muttered under her breath, earning an eye roll from all the boys.
"How far are the tunnels?" Thomas sighed as he copied Tanya and pulled off his gloves.
"Uh, maybe 12 blocks from here," Gally answered before they all looked over worriedly to where Newt was coughing again. "We can make it," he promised as he and Thomas turned around to scope out their route while Tanya couldn't take her eyes off Newt.
"Hey, Newt, how you feeling?" Minho asked, Tanya having given him a jacket from her magic bag of materials which she promptly abandoned now that it was empty of all the power tools they needed for the mission.
"Fucking terrible," he groaned. "It's good to see you though," he sighed, leaning his head back as Minho slid over to Tanya.
"Hey, how long has he been like this?" he questioned, and Tanya swallowed the lump in her throat.
"He's going to be fine. He's going to be fine. We just gotta get to Brenda, she has the serum," she explained as Thomas shucked off his jacket, before going over to get Newt up to his feet.
"Hey, Tan? A little help," Thomas called.
"I got it," she replied as she jogged over to hook Newt's other arm over her shoulders, well out of earshot as Minho addressed Gally.
"Why are you helping us, Gally? It can't just be because of Tan. I mean, you hated Thomas and I put a fucking spear through your chest."
"Yeah," Gally sighed before placing his hand on Minho's shoulder with a smirk. "Nobody's perfect, man."
And he left Minho in a state of shock as he chased after the trio.

To The Shucking End
FanfictionTeresa wasn't the first girl to come up in the Box. Three years before the arrival of Thomas and Teresa, came Tanya, the Glade's first girl. As an accomplished Builder, she spends a lot of time with the Keeper, Gally, the first person she'd met wh...