Chapter 5

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The next morning, rather than standing by the doors as soon as they opened like some of the hopeful Gladers were doing, Newt, Gally and Tanya were having a quiet breakfast inside the Homestead when Frypan came knocking on their door and the three of them went sprinting from the room.

Tanya's legs didn't stop until she made it to the infirmary and her eyes landed on Minho who she tackled into a hug.

The Runner was surprised at first but soon reciprocated the hug as he held her tight, both of them relieved because they thought they would never see each other again.

"You made it! You actually made it," she exhaled before she eventually pulled away, not caring how sweaty and dirty he was.

"Of course, we did. Did you really doubt we would?" he retorted and she shot him a look.

"Minho, I know you. And I know you didn't believe you would either."

He gave her a sheepish look before he was saved by Gally who pulled him into a hug before Newt followed.

"Wait, you said 'we'. Did Alby make it too?" Tanya asked and Minho's face fell slightly.

"Thomas and I got him out if that's what you mean, but he, uh, he was stung."

Their faces fell too.

"Where is he?" Newt asked.

"Med-jacks are tying him down in the other room. It's not safe to see him yet."

"Another question. Where the shuck is Greenie?" Gally asked.

"He's helping the Med-jacks deal with Alby. Why?" Minho asked.

"He broke the rules Minho. He went into the Maze," Tanya answered.

"But he saved my life. And Alby's."

"Then this is a discussion to be held in Council Hall," Newt interrupted before anyone could get into an argument. "Minho, get the Greenie and meet us there."

"As you command," he joked before going to get Thomas, Gally already going to gather the other Gladers whilst Tanya only sighed as she turned to Newt.

"This is going to be one shuck of an interesting meeting," she remarked and Newt scoffed.

"That's putting it lightly," he replied before he turned to Tanya. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something."

"Shoot," she said as she turned to meet his eyes.

"Since Alby's out of commission, would you please be my second?" he asked and she beamed at him.

"It's about shucking time you asked, Newtie," she teased as he copied her smile. "I wonder how far you shanks would've gotten if I wasn't here."

"Oh, we would've barely made it out of the Box, that's for sure," he mocked as she laughed, shoving his shoulder.

"Come on. Let's head to Council Hall before Gally ends up killing Thomas."

"What else is new?"

The duo laughed as they made their way to the corner of the Glade where Council Hall was built, most of the Gladers, the Keepers especially already waiting inside as Tanya and Newt were shocked to discover the fact that Thomas didn't just see a Griever and live, but he killed one.

"Things are changing," Gally began loudly as everyone's talking died down, the Gladers sitting in the stands whilst the Keepers and Tanya stood up the front, Thomas in the corner behind them as he listened to the judgement. "There's no denying that. First Ben gets stung in broad daylight. And then Alby. And now our Greenie here, has taken it upon himself to go into the Maze. Which is a clear violation of our rules here."

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