Henry, What Happened Here?

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{Only the Og's remember this person}

After months of no word from my parents, I started to get worried. On the news they reported that the Studio that they worked for was mysteriously shut down and abandoned, even the workers were no where to be heard from. "The owner of the studio was last heard from an old friend of his named Henry Stein. Who got a letter asking for him to return to the studio. Mr. Stein was asked by police to not return until-" I shut off TV with tears in my eyes. 'How could I let this happen!..I should've been able to do something!' I thought to myself curling into a ball and hiding my face in my knees, wishing for whatever took my parents to come and swallow me.

After nothing from the police they thought that I should just give up and go to an orphanage until I was 18, which isn't a long wait. Still, I wasn't having it! My dad would never let something happen to him or my mom! I've got to find them! I go over to the studio and was about to open the door when-"Y/n?"

I turn and see Henry. Henry was one of the few friends that my dad had, me and him got close after a while. He's probably the only person, besides Wally, that I actually liked to hang out with.  

"HENRY!" I run up to him and hugged him. "Y/n, what are you doing here? Where's your parents?" I look away and towards the studio, like I knew that they where still there. Even though my moms a clean freak and couldn't possibly handle staying here for long before snapping. Henry sighed,"Y/n you don't really think that? The studio is completely abandoned. No one should still be here." "Then....why are you here?" I asked. He then took a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to me.  It was the letter the news was talking about. "But the police had said not to listen to Mr. Drew's request and to come back to the studio?" He sighed like he's already been told it a thousand times already.

"So you heard? Well I can't sit around and wonder what Joey wanted to show me. Besides I want to know what happened to everyone too." He explained. I nodded slightly and walked back to the doors of the studio before Henry spoke up again," Your not going in there Y/n!" He ran up to me to pull me away from the studio. "Henry! Let me go in with you! I need to find my parents...I have a lot of things to say to them." Henry's face softened with concern. "Please Henry! The police will send my to an orphanage soon." I plead with tears brimming my eyes. "I want my perfect, imperfect parents. Not some strangers that put on fake faces in front of others to look perfect!" He paused to think for a moment.

He sighed in defeat. "Fine, but stay close!" I nod and follow him into the studio.

Boards falling off the walls and roof, ink splats all over the place, though the lights are still on? Henry looks at the letter one last time before stuffing it back in his pocket," Alright, Joey. I'm here. Let's see if we can find what you wanted me to see." I ignore him and continue to walk into the studio. "This looks nothing like I remember... Henry, what happened here?" I look at him and I just see sorrow and regret in his eyes. Though I don't push him to talk.

After a while of looking we find this huge machine that was pulled up from this huge hole, then walking some more we found a Boris with his chest ripped apart. I have never been more disgusted. Then these this weird room that we had to find objects that relate to almost every department in the studio.

"Hmm it has low pressure? Stay here, I'm going to find the switch. Once I do, you flip that one and head over to the machine I'll meet you there." He said walking away, I agree and sit down waiting...

and waited..

and waited...

God I hate the sounds this old place makes...

It sounds so..lonely and painful. Like people are suffering.. I never liked my parents boss, but he paid them well so I never complained. Well until my mom got replaced by some Allison chick? I only ever complained that one time, and it was with her. We actually connected for once, but as always. It trailed back to her character Alice Angel..sometimes I felt like I was never looking at my mother, but at some cartoon character that she voiced. I hated her, I hated my father, I hated this stupid studio!...I wish I could jus-

Just then the studio made a different sound from normal. It sounded like it was trying to function after years of stillness. I looked and the lever said it was ready for activation. I flipped it and headed for the machine.  I walk out into the hall to see all the lights dimmed and black footprints heading to the machine from a closed door.

Thats when I heard a faint panting. I turn and its Henry running over to me. He had ink all over his pant legs, and some splats on his shirt. Though I didn't question it. "We good? Lets...." He noticed to inky prints on the floor. "Was someone else here..?" I shake my head not knowing the answer myself, and Henry slowly started to make his way to the ink machine, keeping me behind him. Thats when we noticed the doorway to the studio was boarded up. "When did that happen?" I ask. Henry just shrugged and reached out to the boards. Before he could touch it, this THING! Came out and attempted to grab Henry, but failed and retreated back. Thats when pipes started bursting around us. "HENRY!" I yelled out to him.  "We're getting the hell out of here!" He yelled grabbing my arm and pulling me with me as he ran. Doors slamming shut. Ink pipes bursting all around us. The floor was flooding up in a second! We reach the hallway we entered in and headed for the exit. 

Though fate had other plans....

As we ran, the floor under us caved in and we fell right through the floor. Tumbling into a few pipes as we fell, we eventually reach the bottom. Now I know what they mean about reaching rock bottom. Forcing my arms to hold me up so I don't get anymore ink on my face and accidentally get any in my mouth. "What the fuck just happened!"

"Watch you mouth!" Henry said turning a cog draining the ink on this floor. I huff but don't argue with him. He helped me off the floor and we continued to walk around to find a way out.

Every floor was flooded with ink and we had to drain then to continue on our way.

Reaching the last floor we open the door and walk into this weird room. It had a pentagram of sorts in the middle of the floor with two wooden coffin type boxes in front of it. Henry walked onto to pentagram and immediately held his head as if in pain. I quickly go up to him and grabbed the ax, we had found earlier while exploring, so he wouldn't hurt himself. He then fainted from whatever headache he was having. I helped him down slowly so he didn't hit his head.

Dad...Mom...please be here. Or I'll be here dying of either intoxication or starvation for nothing.

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