The Fallen Angel

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Thats when he tried talking but it was all gargle and disorientated but I swear it sounded like he said," I'm Wally Franks.....Y/n please help us.."


No, no, no!

Last time I checked my best friend wasn't a Boris cartoon person! Though why was his voice all disorientated?

After sometime Henry thought we'd get going and we grabbed the lever from Boris..or Wally? Then left the safe house, I didn't tell Henry about what Boris said just to avoid another fight between us both again. When we opened the door, Boris got up and came over to us. With the three of us leaving the safe house the door had closed behind us, so there was no going back now. "Let's see what's out there, don't wonder off. Oh, almost forgot I found this for you old pal." Henry said pulling out a bone. He handed it to Boris an he happily took it in his mouth.

We walked down the hall to see that it lead to another hall that was all pitch black,"It's really dark up ahead. Let's find some light." In which we found a flashlight no problem. I could see Boris was really hesitant to go into the dark hallway, But Henry stood right next to him with the flashlight to try and calm him. "Don't be scared, Boris. I'll keep the light near you so you don't get lost" He said, which helped Boris continue to go down the dark ass hallway. While halfway through we heard a very strange noise..almost as if someone was running? "Did you hear that? Yeah me either." Henry said playing it off, I shook my head so I wouldn't scare Boris anymore than he already was.

At the end we where lead to a dead end. "Ah come on man!" I cursed under my breath.

"Another dead end. I don't see another way through, you got any ideas Boris?" Henry said looking around. Boris went over to vent and just stood there. "Henry I think Boris wants to go into the vent? Hand him your flashlight." I say. Henry hands him the flash light and he's off into the vent.

We wait for a moment until the doors in front of us slowly open with an annoying screech that tell me that they haven't been open in years. When the doors open just wide enough for us to squeeze through we go through and keep heading forward. Which leads us to this huge room with a sign that reads 'Heavenly Toys'.

I remember this room, when I was barely in Preschool and after school dad would let me stay at the studio and the toy department loved to play with me. They'd let me play with all the plushies they'd made. I mostly loved the Boris ones, they where so much more fun to play with than the Bendy or Alice ones. Even when I got older the toy department still loved to have me around. Even Shawn, especially after Joey had yelled at him for a crooked smile on one of the Bendy plushies. He said that I was just a thrill to be around.

I snap out of my daze after Henry makes a comment,"Wow...I don't remember any of this." I couldn't help but laugh at his amazed look. "Well Henry, you have been gone for how many years? And not to mention that you spent most your time in the animation department or in the music department talking to my father." We both laugh at our comments but continue our way into the next room.

We see the door we need to get through but as always there's something in the way. "Why is there always something blocking the door? Gotta be a way through!" Henry mutters to himself. After a short while of standing around trying to figure this out there was a faint female humming coming from over some speakers of sorts. It sounded so familiar but so weird at most. Though I remember my mother humming me this song at night when I was younger.

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