The End

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Joey is going to pay for ripping my life, friends life, my family, all apart in one swift motion. I'll tear him apart myself if I have too.

All I know and want right now is to watch him suffer as he made everyone here suffer.

I must've fallen asleep at some point because I was lightly shaken awake. "Y/n. Y/n dear, it's time to wake up." It was a female voice. With a slight groan I open my eyes.

"Hm? What, what? I'm up." I say rubbing my face awake with my hands and sitting up.

I look and see it was Allison,"We've got to get going. Come on lets get you ready." I was confused but went along with her. We walked over where Henry and Tom where. Dad wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Y/n, he had to go. He's safe now though." Henry told me. God dammit he saw it in my face. He was always good at reading people. I nod and we were off.

Wally stayed behind with the Lost Ones so he wouldn't get hurt. We on the other hand walked into this huge room. There was a machine that took over almost all of it. Ink flooded the floor that was around the machine. There was a really rickety walkway to the machine on top of the ink as if a pathway. "What is this..." I say walking to the edge to look over everything.

"This the Ink Demons lair. Me and Tom can't touch the ink so Henry helped us make a pathway for us to go through to help out." Allison said as Henry was helping her down unto the poorly built walkway.

We all made it through and inside the machine. Walking down the hallways it felt almost like a labyrinth. There was on way door way that lead to this huge thrown room. The old cartoons played on the walls. There was a recorder on the thrown. Henry approached the thrown, while Allison and Tom kept me by the door way.

Joey Drew

"It's simply awe-inspiring

what one can accomplish with their own hands!

A lump of clay can turn to meaning...

if you strangle it with enough enthusiasm.

Look what we've built!

We created life itself, Henry!

Not just on the silver screen, but in the hearts

of those we've entertained with our fancy moving pictures!


when the tickets stopped selling,

when the next big thing came along,

only the monsters remained.

Shadows of the past.

But you can save them, Henry!

You can peel it all away!

You see,

there's only one thing Bendy has never known:

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