Falling Deeper

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(the art is mine, you can find it on Deviantart.com with the link in my bio)

The whole room was filled with them....

I felt like throwing up, but rage also filled my veins. How could someone be so sick to do this!

"Look around. It took so many of them to make me so beautiful. Anything less than perfect was left behind. I had to do it. She made me." The fallen angel said, though I heard my mothers voice loud and clear at that last part....she's in pain....I don't like this one bit..

Leaving Boris to look at the poor unfortunate clone of him, we walked through all the maze of dead deformed Butcher Gang members and a hell bunch of Boris clones. Reaching the other side other door had opened allowing us access to the next room. Once inside the small room that was partly separated by a huge glass wall. The door behind us closed and we were trapped in a room with the angel standing behind the safety of the glass.

"Hm. Now we come to the question... Do I kill you? ...Do I tear you apart to my heart's delight? The choices of the beautiful are unbearable."

God her voice annoys me.

"How's a girl to choose? Take this little freak for instance!"

She motioned over to what was supposed to be Charlie from the Butcher Gang, though he's strapped to this table thing.

"He crawled in here... Trailing his tainted ink to my door! It could have touched me! It could have pulled me back!! Do you know what it's like? Living in the dark puddles? It's a buzzing, screaming well of voices! Bits of your mind, swimming... like... like fish in a bowl! The first time I was born from its' inky womb, I was a wriggling, pussing, shapeless slug. The second time... well... It made me an angel! "

I'm certain that Joey turned my mom into that....thing, now.

"I will not let the demon touch me again. I'm so close now. So... almost perfect. Yes. I will spare you. For now. Better yet... I'll even let you ascend and leave this place. If you will do a few eensy, weensy little favors for me first. Return to the lift, my little errand boy. We have work to do! Oh and you there...I'll allow you to stay with the little wolf so that my little errand boy doesn't get himself distracted now...you may leave."

With that she pulled a lever pulling a security gate closed and the sound from the creature sounded as if it was in pain. Though I didn't wanna stay to find out. I was just happy that she spared us.

Walking back out to the main room with the 'She's quite a gal' sign. We were stopped by the twisted angel speaking again,"My machines are hungry. Gather me some spare parts!" Then this metal thing opened up revealing a wrench, Henry took it and we went back to the elevator. Walking back up the stairs she started talking again, "There are so few rules to our world now. So little truths. But there is one rule we all know and respect down here. Beware the Ink Demon. Stay out in the open for too long and he will find you. For if you see him, you'd better hide. If you don't, well, I enjoyed our date. Now, let us begin our work." Yeah like we haven't been trying too, I thought to myself.

Going back to the elevator Henry pushed the button to level K, from which we just came from.

Stopping at our floor the doors opened allowing Henry to step out. "Stay here, who knows whats out her-" Thats when a strange sound came from above. Henry went to investigate while Alice,...or Susie started talking again. "Have you met him? The Ink Demon? They say he hears everything." Though while listening to the angel, I heard Henry grunt as if he was getting hurt."Every creak of the floor. Every rustle of paper. I wouldn't run so fast if I were you, you never know what will draw him in." I was about to leave the elevator to go help him when Boris grabbed my shoulders to stop me. I sigh in defeat,"Ok, bud I'll stay with you." I didn't like that this thing was using my mother as this...well I'm not even sure as to what it was!

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