I'm Sorry

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There was no way that it could be him!? The demon killed him! "Dad?!" I said as he finished chopping down the boards.

"I trusted you! I gave you everything....and you left me to rot! ...Why? WHY!? " He cried out swinging an ax wildly at us. Henry pushed me back and the two started fighting. "Stop!" I cried, though they ignored me.

After a few swings Henry knocked off the bendy mask off Sammy's face. "No! Don't look at me. Stay away....." He covered his face and ran to the middle of the town. Henry had a look of sorrow on his face. Almost like he felt bad for him. He walked up to him when Sammy grabbed Henry and lifted him off the ground. "HA! You lied to me. You said I'd be free. Well, I'm going to free you now." He said as he threw Henry on the ground. "Free your head right off your shoulders!" I noticed that Henry had dropped his pipe..."Sheep, sheep sheep... it's time for... sleep." He lifted his ax above his head ready to kill Henry. Before he chopped Henry's head off I ran to grab the pipe. Picking it up, I ran over to Sammy hit him in the middle of his back as hard as I could.

"GAH!..Why you little twerp!" He scowled as he turned around to face me.

"Y/N!" I heard Henry yelling out at me but I ignored him. I faced my father who seemed to be faceless now that I've gotten a better view of him. "Sammy? Please put the ax down and lets talk this through. Like we should've done before you and mom left for work that day."

"You and your stupid, worthless, and pathetic mind games! You think you can 'talk this through' after you betrayed me! ...Your...just like Joey! YOU LIED TO ME! I want to be free! I want these...dreams of these people to go away! You need to die already!" He spat.

"We'll help you leave. You'll be free I promise, just please put the ax down.." I said calmly as I approached him slowly.

"You'll....help me leave? But why?" He sounded sad in his voice as his grip on the ax loosened.

"Cause your my father. Ink creature or not, your my family. I'll stay here forever if I have too. I won't leave you behind, I promise." I said to him. He let me get face to face with him.

"Y/n...." I heard him whisper just like last time.

"YES! That's me! I'm Y/n!" I said tears threatening to fall though non did fall. He grabbed me, pulling me into a hug.

"Y/n! I remember now! I am so sorry! Me and Susie should've listened to you about Joey...wait- where is your mother?" He asked breaking the hug to look at my face. I opened my mouth to answer when someone started shouting.


It was Wally! Allison and Tom were with him as well. Allison was helping Henry up from the ground while Sammy pushed me behind him and gripped his ax ready for a fight. "Stay behind me Y/n." He said not looking at me but at the people that had me and Henry prisoner.

"Sammy leave the girl alone!" Allison yelled. Wow, you'd think she'd know my name by now. Though I ignored that and spoke up,"Allison, Sammy isn't a threat! He's got his memories back. Don't start fighting, please." She seemed to back down, though Tom looked angrier than normal. He started to make a small growling sound before sprinting ahead to attack Sammy. Sammy lifted his ax to defend himself against the other ax welding foe. I panicked and pulled Sammy back and grabbed Tom's ax. Though not good enough cause I felt a shot of pain in my shoulder.


I gritted my teeth and stared at Tom who was petrified. The room was silent for a moment, and only for a moment. Tom's ax was struck into my shoulder. "AHHG" I heard an angry yell from behind me before Sammy tackled Tom. Tom kept a great grip on the ax still, so with Sammy pulling him down the ax was ripped from my shoulder and I fell backwards. I fell on my back but I rolled onto my good side. The two males where rustling on the ground while Henry and Allison were trying to break them up. Wally ran over to me pushed me back onto my back and started to put pressure on my shoulder. "It's ok Y/n just keep your eyes open!" Wally said trying to keep the red fluid inside me.

"I'm...just gonna....close my eyes....for a bit.." I said as my eyes drooped down and everything went dark.

"Sheep sheep sheep"

"Its time for sleep...rest your head its time for bed"

"In the morning you may wake"

I heard someone singing my old lullaby. Sitting up with a sharp hiss from the pain the person stopped. "Or in the morning you'll be dead." I said finishing the short song.

"Heh, you remember the song?" He asked.

"Of course I do. You used to sing it to me all the time." I said looking at the faceless shell of what my father used to be. He got up from his chair and walked over to me. I was laid down on a old couch that looked like it could barely support my weight. Sammy held his hand out in which I took. He helped me up off the couch slowly. It hurt mostly in my arm, though not as bad as it could've been. Once on my feet he walked me out into the opening. We're still in the town but there was a bunch of Lost Ones where crowding it. Allison, Tom, Wally, and Henry where sitting in the back talking about something.


I turned to face my father," Yeah? Need something?"

"We all agreed it'd be better if,..if I left. Went back to the Music Department. We don't know what could trigger the prophet into returning, or if he's even only temporarily gone. It'd be safer for you all." He said looking down. I felt bad. He probably doesn't remember much either.

"Do you remember anything about our fight?"

"Only the major bad parts...like yelling at you, seeing you upset, and the uneasy feeling of anger and nausea in my gut."

"Well, I remember it every time I close my eyes. It's always repeating. Dad, i'm sorry. I shoul-"

He'd pulled me into a hug stopping me from talking. "No Y/n, I'M sorry...I should've heard you out. I may not remember a lot but I do remember hurting you emotionally, no child should have to go through what we put you through."

"Hey, Lawrence!" I heard Henry call out to Sammy. "Get over here, we need to talk to you."

"OK! Be right over." Sammy said letting me go,"Go lay back down. Get some rest ok? Love you."

"Love you too.."

He then jogged over to the four in the corner while I walked back over to the crappy couch. I laid down and with a huge sigh, I closed my eyes.

Joey is going to pay for ripping my life,..my friends life, my family, all apart in one swift motion. I'll tear him apart myself if I have too.

All I know and want right now is to watch him suffer as he made everyone here suffer.

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