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Maddie's POV

I, Maddison Nicole Ziegler, officially hate my life. We just finished solo awards at In10sive, and I didn't even place! Next up is group awards, uggh, another thing I stunk at this week.

"First place, Abby Lee Dance Company with Draw a Picture!" We all got the trophy, and took a bow. 

"Now, on to you 15-16 year old duo trios..." The emcee said.

"Third place, number 134, Alana and Reina from Dance Explosion."

"Second place, number 480, Dana, Bailey, and Cara from Art Dance Center."

"And first place, number 348, Paige, Maddie, and Chloe from the Abby Lee Dance Company!" We all screamed, and got our trophy.

Once we got into the green room, Abby was happy, but I could tell she was mad at me.

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