I Don't Want to Do Anything But-

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Maddie's POV:

The next morning, I woke up, at 6, and pulled on a black spaghetti strap leo and pink tights. I stuffed my homework in my backpack, the three assingments I didn't do, and the one I did do. I sighed, thinking about what my teachers would say. I sat down at my desk, aruptly, and quickly scribbled out the answers on my Spanish worksheet. There, two for four, that's not bad, is it? I put on my sweats, and ALDC pink jacket.

I went downstairs, to my mom cooking breakfast, and my youngest sisters, Hailey and Hannah eating the pancakes my mom made for them. Hailey and Hannah, at 4, were born right about when the third season of Dance Moms ended. They look just like Kenz and me, brown hair, blue eyes. They are twins, and they do dance and gymnastics. I smiled as Hailey got syrup on her lip.

"Hey, Mads!" Hailey said.

"What's up, Hail?"

"The ceiling!" She said, giggling.

"Hey, mom?" I asked.


"Is there anyway you could call my teachers and say I was not feeling well last night, so I didn't get my homework done?"

"I guess I can try. How are you feeling?"

"Good, I guess. I kinda have a headache."

"Well, just finish your breakfast, maybe you'll feel better."

I finished breakfast, and noticed Kenzie wasn't down yet.

"KENZ!" My mom called, and a tired looking Kenzie came down. She smiled, however, when she saw that I wasn't crying.

"Hey, Boo!" I said.

"Hey." She said, tiredly.

"How long did Miss Abby keep you yesterday?" I asked.

"'Till 11. We didn't get home until 11:30, and you were long alseep." She answered, and chugged a glass of orange juice. We finished our breakfast, and said goodbye to the girls. Greg would take them to school. Kenzie and I walked out to the car, both extremely tired. As soon as we got in the car, I got a REALLY bad headache. It felt like someone was splitting my head open. We turned onto the street, and I couldn't stand it.

"M-mom," I stuttered, "can I have an Asprin?" 

"Sure," She said, digging in her purse. Suddenly I heard a horn, and Kenzie scream. I barley had time to scream before I blacked out. 

Author's Note:

Sorry, short again... I couldn't really follow that, could I? Well, sorry for the cliffhanger. 

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