All About Her

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Brooke's POV

The next morning my mom took me to the doctor. They put cold gel on my stomach, and showed me a picture.

"Brooke, you are about 4 months pregnant. It is a little girl." He said.

"Can you take a paternity test?" My mom asked.

"Yes, I just need some blood from Brooke, and some from the baby." He said, they completed the test.

After, my mom got a call. She ran to the car.

"What's wrong?" I asked, jumping in the passenger seat.

"Maddie, she just got rushed back to the ICU."

"Oh my god!" I said.

When we got there, everyone was there already, even Abby.

"We found a marrow donor, and were about to take her to surgery, but her body rejected the medicine in the IV. She had a reaction." The doctor said.

"Is she gonna live?" Mckenzie asked.

"I don't know, Miss Ziegler." The doctor said, and left. Mckenzie broke down crying, along with Melissa. I hugged her, and a tear slipped down my cheek. Everyone was crying. Then I heard something. A long beep. I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was. I looked at the heart monitor. It was a flat line.

"No!" I screamed. We all broke down crying, sobbing. she was gone. My Maddie, all gone. My little sister, practically. Gone, not at dance, not anywhere. I burst out in tears.

"I'm sorry." The doctor said, and pulled the sheet over her head. I wiped the tears, but they kept coming, we all just sat there, and cried. Later we got in the car, but I kept crying, along with Paige. When we got home, went straight to bed. I didn't sleep.

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