Chapter 9

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Ch. 9

"Hey, what exactly did you mean when you said you 'outrank' them?" Bambi asked me. We were on the subway and I could barely hear him over the roar of the train. I was standing infront of him protectively with Fang in the chair beside him. He was laying down lazily, his head on his paws, occasionally growling at a person when they stepped too close to bambi. 

I looked down at him and smirked. "It means exactly that. I outrank them." I answered. When the train came to a screeching halt, everyone around us groaned as they tried to maintain their balance. I wasn't holding on to the grips or anything because I didn't need to. Even bambi lurched forward making me have to catch him.

He mummbled a thanks as I gently pushed him back. I watched as everyone shuffled out of the cart making enough room for me to sit down on the bench opposite of bambi. 

"I get that, but what do you mean. They also said you were a level 50 assassin. What do you mean by that? Like, what does that mean?" He asked his eyes wide and full of curiosity. I smiled and rubbed the back of my neck. I had never had to explain to anyone the system, or talk to anyone in general. 

"Well, each E.A is tested on their skills. The higher the success rate, the higher your level. Most agents only reach and average of ten to fifteen in their whole careers. You follow?" I paused to make sure he understood. Bambi frowned and tilted his head to the side for a bit. 

"Wait, what's an E.A?" He asked making me laugh. 

"E.A stands for Executioner Agent. Very rarely do you hear us call ourselves assassins. There's a reason for that too." I held up my hand because I saw that he was just about to ask. 

"We don't call ourselves assassins because we work for the government. They don't feel it s right to call us that. Our branch, also known as Death Row is made to eliminate certain targets that are either too risky to get regular police officers involved or if they need it taken care of somewhat," I pursed my lips trying to select my words carefully," quietly. Understand?" 

He nodded now but still had a frown. He looked at me and walked over so he was right next to me. I felt the body heat radiating off of him and I could smell a distinct scent that could only belong to Bambi. It made a shiver slither down my spine. 

"If you say the average E.A reaches only level 10 - 15, how come you're a level 50? Is that even possible?" He asked turning to me. I raised my eyebrow in amusement. He was defiantly not stupid. 

"Considering that is my rank, I'd say it is possible, although I'm the first E.A to ever manage to make it to that level and definitely at an age so young." I answered looking at him with my cold calculating silver eyes. Most people would flinch or squirm beneath my gaze, but the boy in front  of me acted as if he felt nothing. 

"Woah, wait, doesn't that mean you're like the strongest most experienced assassin— I mean, E.A?" He asked his eyes wide and surprise in their depths. I couldn't help but let the smile twitch on my lips.

"Yes. That it does." I agreed softly a bittersweet taste in my mouth. I wasn't all that proud about my position if I were to be honest. I had killed many people to get to where I was and I've spilt more blood that you could imagine. And yet, that has not made me feel guilty, my conscious was clean about that. It was that I surpassed my late mentor that I regret. I regret that he couldn't see where I have come. 

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