chapter 5

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"Fang get the door." I said standing and flying off of the couch where I managed to drag Bambi and dump him, and into my bathroom to get my first aid kit. I rushed back to see Bambi lying there looking pale a steady flow of blood coming from his head.

 Worry gnawed at me as I sat down. I cut off his shirt and couldn’t help but wince at what I saw. His soft skin was brutally bruised and cut. Not only from this morning but it looked like he fell down a flight of stairs.  I pulled off the fabric and tossed it to the ground.

 Pulling out some cotton and some alcohol and dabbed at the cuts. Once I was done cleaning all the cuts he had, new and old ones, I put bandaids where needed then I moved to his head. I brushed back his soft brown hair to see a wound. It wasn't deep but you can tell it hurt like a bitch. I dabbed at it then put a piece of gauze on it to stop the bleeding. That seemed about it for now. I kept running my fingers through my hair and sighed.

 "I'm so sorry this happened Bambi. I'll make sure you're safe." I whispered to him jut looking at his peaceful sleeping face. Sighing I looked around to see fang licking the golden retriever. She was curled up by the door and fang was standing next to her licking her paw. I looked down to see it was bleeding a bit.

 "Fang stop licking it, I'll patch her up. Do me a favor bring me some water and a rag.

 My dog snorted then went off to do as I asked. I went over to the sweet looking dog and pet her.

 "Hi there sweety, what's your name?" I cooed then checked her collar. It read Sugar. I smiled and rolled my eyes."Oh so original, Bambi."

 "Alright. Come here sugar let's sit you down on Fang's bed. She hobbled to the big black pillow that fang sleeps on and laid down.

 I knelt in front if her as fang came trotting to me with a rag on his back a bowl in his mouth and a water bottle in his bowl. He set the bowl I front of me and I laughed petting his head.

 "Good boy. Ok sugar, let's get you patched up. I uncapped the bottle and poured it in the bowl. Taking the rag off of Fang I dipped a corner of it in the water and began to wipe away the blood. Then from the first aid kit I pulled a piece of gauze and wrapped it up. I put the rag down then pushed the bowl to sugar, who sniffed it then began to lap at it.

 "Good girl, ok now let's take Bambi to my bed." My apartment was fairly small. The kitchen only fit one person there was only one bathroom attached to a room/ living room. I had a queen sized Ben and a couch next to it. It would probably take two steps to go to the bed. Bambi looked light but I was definitely smaller than him meaning it would be pretty difficult.

 Ugh ok, zephyr you can do it. Come on your an assassin right? Yes yes I am.

 Walking over to sleeping boy who was now on my couch sleeping soundly and looked down at him. Steeling myself, I bent and slung Bambi's arm over my shoulder and dragged him to my bed.

 It took me over twenty minutes but I managed to do it. After I had tucked him in I stumbled to the couch where I plopped down.  Sugar whined and jumped onto the bed with her owner while fang came dragging his bed with his teeth and laid beside me. I shook my head realizing I had yet to give him a bath.

 Standing up I poked him in the side. He barred his teeth at me to scare me away. Sugar whined but I just snorted.

 "Fang I've known you since you were a pup, you really think that scares me?" He snorted and stood up.  He lazily sauntered into the bathroom. I laughed and followed him, and began giving him a bath. He sat in the shower, waiting patiently as I shampooed his fur and scrubbed. He even licked my face making me cringe at his rancid breath.

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