Ch. 6

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Chapter 6

Benjamin Moore

"Affirmative. But sir- don't you think he needs a break before we take him in?" Is that zephyr?

Groaning at the size of the head ache I had right now. It felt as if someone had gotten a brick and used it as a bat and against my head, hit a home run.

"But sir, his parents were murdered and they were planning on using him for something, right?" I watched as she paused her phone to her ear. She was standing by a boarded up window just sitting on the window sill looking kind of ticked off.

"I understand that I was the one that saved him but it doesn't mean I'm a babysitter." She snapped into the phone. Yikes, wouldn't want to be the person on the other side of that phone call. She looked angry, but not as angry as last night....

Last night...the night my parents were wasn't a dream was it? God... It hurt so fucking much. Feeling my throat tighten on tears I placed my hands on my face as I felt my tears leak out of my eyes, trailing down the side of my face and leaking into my ears and hair.

There was no freaking way they're dead, that sort of thing only happens in action movies, not real life! I'm still waiting for my mom and dad to pop out from some where and say "ha just fucking with you, Benny!"

"No. I don't do people. You know that ever since Zachary. Or have you forgotten what happens when I get mad?" Zephyr snapped into the phone. I peered through one of my fingers and saw her standing now her back to me. She was silent sow and I can hear someone's voice on the phone but it was to low for me to actually understand it.

"No way I'm going to fucking trust some other fucking E.A. If. We go in today I swear to god if one of them even try to touch a hair on his head you better be ready to send me to my p.r. Understood? We'll be there at 0800. " she growled then slammed the phone on the nearest table with so much force I could have sworn either the phoned or the table broke. Maybe even both, actually.

"Fuck, Zachary, what do I do?" I heard her whisper to her self, her head on her brick wall.

A soft whine from my left made me turn my attention and I saw sugar standing there. She hobbled over and I saw her paw was wrapped. That made my heart sink to my stomach with guilt. My dog got hurt because of last night and I didn't even notice.

"Hey there sugar, how you doin?" I asked petting her head. She licked my bandaged hand. Come to think of it now, every thing hurt.

"How are you doing, Bambi?" Zephyr asked walking over and sitting on the side of the bed, which I just realized I was lying down on. Wow, when you pass out you tend to miss a lot, huh?

"I'm fine?" I said but it came out more like a question then I intended it too. I was a guy, I'm supposed to be strong, right?

"Yeah, ok. I bet you feel three days dead. Am I right?" She said in her knowing way. A small smile managed to tug at my lips at her words. She saw right through me.

"You had a a lot happen in only ten hours. And I'm sorry but mores about to happen. We gotta get you into HQs" she said. I frowned at her confusing words but didn't have time to ask because she stood up and whistled. Immediately I saw fang stand up from his bed and follow her to what looked like a kitchen. It was actually a pretty cool looking room. It looked like it was tiny but actually it was the perfect size. There was only one bed but the lay out was perfect.. It was big enough where it was spacious, but small enough where there was room for only two.

"Ok, Bambi, we gotta get up and going. So while I make break fast, you can go take a shower. After that call me so I can patch you up and give you clean clothes. From your bag. Also give Sugar a bath and I'll let you borrow one of fang's puppy leashes. The place we're going is kind of tough so..." She trailed off after spitting out all that information at me.

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