Chapter 1

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Renesmee's POV

"RENESMEE CULLEN! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU WEARING??!!" Aunt Alice was over reacting. I did not look that bad .... or did I? I was already nervous enough without Aunt Alice's help. "Why what is wrong with it?" I got my self-consciousness from my mom. I didn't think I looked so bad. I was wearing my black skinny jeans and a long-sleeved blue t-shirt.

"You are not going to school looking like .... THAT on my watch." Ahhh... school, a HELL hole. It is my first day at Alaska High. It has been 3 years since the Volturi came to destroy me. I have grown since then. I now look 14 years old. Ever since then my family and the pack - down at La Push- have been close. Well mostly Jacob really. He now sleeps in the spare room, up stairs.

He is highly protective over me. If I just happen to catch a cold, which is highly impossible, just going to the mall I will wear a long sleeved T-shirt, 2 turtlenecks , 1 sweater, 2 jackets. It's insane, and surprisingly my parents don't object.

After a few minutes Aunt Alice was back in my room with a huge pile of clothing in her right arm. Even though we might be vampires and we have the strength and all, it just amazes me about how much Aunt Alice can carry. She is unreasonable short and small to be carrying so much. "Okay .... try this on." She hands me a dress ....." Auhh. No way I am wearing a dress on my first day.Mom help me!!" I could not take it anymore.

"You think I am afraid of your mom? Ahh, keep wishing." I really sometimes wonder how someone so small, short and defenseless looking can be so ... ANNOYING? How is it possible? "Well then you should be scared of me." A deep husky voice disturbed the silence hovering in the room.

I lift my head to see a tall, handsome guy in black pants, a black T-shirt and a black leather jacket. My head suddenly felt like it was missing. I looked Jacob over and over again for about 5 seconds. I only realised later on that my mouth was hanging wide open. I quickly closed it and snapped myself out of my daze.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, can it Jacob. You don't scare me and plus I am leaving. I can see Renesmee wants to go to school looking like .... that." Aunt Alice made it sound like what I was wearing is an abomination. "Don't listen to her Ness. You look gorgeous." Jacob's always on my side. It was great to have someone like him. At that Aunt Alice was gone. It was me and Jacob in the room left and I was blushing so much. "Hey Jacob. How are you?" Saying his name was so easy before but now.... it felt like I was about to be sick. But good sick. It was like butterflies were flying around my stomach. "Hey Nessi. I am great and you?"

The way he said my name sent shivers down my spinal cored. I never realised it, but Jacob had a lovely shade of pink on his lips. He smiled at me and my head was light again. "Er, I am fine. I think .... ready. " I had to talk with my eyes closed. Now I knew howm y Mom felt when she said Dad used to dazzle her with his eyes. I felt dazzled all right.

"Yeah. Ladies first." He gestured his hand past him in a graceful manner. I got off my bed in a swift movement which didn't help my head much. I stumbled a little before getting my balance. Jacob moved closer in an attempted to help me. But I used the bed for balance and stretched out my arm to gesture, that I was okay. I started walking towards him, I swear he hear my heart rate accelerate as I got closer.

By the time I reached the door frame my heart was beating as loud as a humans and as fast as a hummingbird. When I passed him his scent filled my nose. Had his scent changed? It suddenly made the whole world spin. It smelt like a very strong, manly colone. I had to clear my head by holding my breathe.

By the time me and Jacob reached the stairs I HAD to breathe. I dashed for the door in an attempted to breath fresh, clear air. But before I could reach the door, Dad and Mom stoped me. I could die. "Good morning Renesmee. How did you sleep?" Dad these days has been constantly asking how I slept, what did I dream of, did I feel a change the next morning.

Funny enough my Dad should have asked me ' Has anything changed this morning?' A lot has changed, for one I am much taller now, and the biggest on I felt something different between me and Jake. I just raised a thumbs up to show him that I slept well. I lied. I hardly got any sleep last night. Why I really don't know.

I pushed that thought away. Instead I concentrated on the bigger task in hand .....getting fresh air. My lungs were starting to burn. I felt light headed. Not like I felt in my room when Jacob was there, no this one was because of lake of oxygen. Dad talk later, I really need to get outside.

Thankfully Dad could read my mind. At that he and mom -which he pulled her out of the way. She looked confused-were out of my way. I reached for the door and was out. I pulled out my carbon dioxide and pulled in one Gulp of fresh, clear air.

I then thought, that this is not necessary. So what if Jacob makes me light headed. It does not have a strong enough reason to almost killing myself. So I took in one more gulp of air, just incase. When I got in through the door I saw my parents looking at me with eyes, not just gold but with worry and questioning.

Dad don't worry it was just I needed fresh air. My parents worried to much some times... actually scratch that out ALL THE TIME. I looked around the room looking for Jacob. Then I meet his gaze. He was looking at me with confusion, stress and worry. So much for only having 2 parents. Dad laughed. But it was true everyone in my family looked after me 24/7. It is like I have 8 parents, mins Jacob.

I looked down immediately. I walked slowly to the kitchen, to fined Grandma Esme plating up my breakfast." Good morning sweet. I made you some breakfast, an omelet." Grandma is so kind and loving. She handed me the plate. "Good morning,Grandma. Thank you for the food you are the best." I kissed her cheek and headed for the living room.

I peaked in to see where there was an open seat. Great. Just great. There in the right far corner of the huge lounge was an open seat. But it was next to Jacob. Just great. I summed up all my strength and made it to the seat. Has I approached the seat my heart started flattering again. I kept breathing in and out to calm my heart rate. Sometimes it sucks having a beating heart.

As I sat down, there was a sudden electrical current flowing between us. Or like two magnets that want to be attaches to one another. From the corner of my eye I could see Jacob also felt the pull. His reactor was so chilled, he just smiled, like he was enjoying this. I started digging in and mainly concentrating on chowing. "Hey, Nessi." My head jerked up a bit to fast. It now looked lime I was waiting or expecting him to call my name. And I was. "Yeah Jacob." He laughed at my quick reaction.

"Ummm ... are you going to eat that?" He pointed at my plate with my half complete omelet. I had not realised but it had been 10 minutes since I touched my omelet. "Ohh. Here, you can have it." He was still growing he needed the protein and plus I was more thirsty than hungry. "Okay, can everyone come here. " grandpa called from his study/office/hospital. Everyone was gone in a blink ogre an eye. It was only me and Jacob, and again he said." Ladies first." He was so polite.

I could not believe he ate that omelet in under 3minutes. I got up and headed for the study.

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