Chapter 18

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Jacob's POV.

I was in utter shock, I was angered, I needed to kill something. I wanted to go on a man hunt for this guy, who did this to my imprint.

"Jacob, it's not a man. It's a vampire." Edward disturbed my evil thoughts of dealing with this problem.

"How do you know?" I turned my body to face him. He was by the piano.
"She told her mother. And she knows you imprinted on her." Alice joined in on the conversation, with vital information.

"WHAT?!" Everything was going wrong. I was the one who was meant to take her virginity, and I was the one who should have told her.
"Relax mutt, at least she knows now." Rosalie replied from the kitchen.

"How did that bloodsucker know?" I started putting all the pieces together, trying to solve the problem.
"I don't know." I heard a sweet, weak voice answer my question. It was coming from Carlisle's office.

I turned around on the couch to look at my love. She was rapped up like a totia. She had a bandage on her head- covering her beautiful curls on her head, she had an arm strap on her right arm, she had a cast on het right ankle, she had a bandage covering her whole middle section of her body.

I could almost feel the pain she must be in.
"That looks sore." I tried faking a smile, but it was pointless. She moved closer to the staircase in a painful manner.

"It's not as bad as it looks." She tried laughing at her own joke but clinched to her chest in pain.
"Sweetie, I made supper for you and Jacob. It's mushroom ravioli." Esme called from the kitchen.

Renesmee looked in the direction of the kitchen, and made an attempt to walk, but ended up limping. Edward moved to her side and helped her. I made my way to the kitchen. It had been over 6 hours since my last proper meal and my stomach was starting to complain.

The supper was great, but me and Renesmee barely said anything to each other, let alone looked at each other. She must be really upset that I didn't tell her about the imprinting thing. I felt like ripping the head of this vampire, for ruining any chance I had of having Renesmee as my partner.

I started to think of this rapist. Till all the pieces of the puzzle fit. The bathroom smelt like a vampire - Armando's scent, Renesmee was told by the vampire that I imprinted on her- Armando was the only other vampire that knew.
"Could it be?" Edward asked from the lounge room, reading my thoughts.

"It could be. When I was packing I smelt his scent in the bedroom. Strange." I got up and moved to the lounge room to have a face-to-face conversation with Edward.

"You must check Renesmee's dream tonight to be sure." I didn't like the idea of that. One, Renesmee hated it when ever we would watcher sleep or observe her dreams. Second, if it was Armando, I was gonna loss it.

Third, I could bare to observe her dream of her being raped and knowing I can do nothing but watch.
"You have to. There is no another option." He got up off the loveseat and moved to the piano. I guess to calm himself.

"Jacob can you please come with me up stairs. Good night family. And it's nothing to worry about." She made her way up the stairs moving at a very slow pace.

"Nighto, sport. And it is." Emmet answered back when me and Renesmee were already in her room. I was last so I closed the door behind meself.
"Why didn't you tell me?"

Renesmee'a voice finally broke the silence. She sounded like she wanted to cry. I wanted to hold her in my arms and tell her why. To comfort her, but I knew she didn't want to be touched.

"I was, tonight. I wanted to tell you when the time was right." I moved from the door moving to her table.
"Anyways, goodnight I am exhausted." She moved herself up to her head set and went under her cover to sleep.
"Goodnight. Sleep well." I knew she wasn't going to sleep well.

After 14 minutes of utter silence I heard her breathing deepen and it get heavier. She was asleep and now was the time to check her dreams. I moved from the table to her bed. She was moving her head slightly and her eyes would twitch occasional. I grabbed her hand and slowly -making sure I don't wake her- moving her hand to my cheek.

Fast moving images moved by. Finally stopping at one image. It was of her chained up on a circular table. Her limbs chained to the table. Suddenly a chain was brought to her body and moved away, then back to her body and back.

The person was in the shadows of the room. He moved slowly from the shadows to Renesmee with an evil laugh escaping in mouth.
'Was that nice?' He questioned will redoing his pants. He lifted his head to reveal the monster behind the dirty deed. I dropped Renesmee hand after realising who it was.

I felt a wave of hatred wash over me. Immediately I made my way down stairs to find the whole family waiting at the door. Edward must have caught them up.

"We need someone to stay behind and look after Renesmee." Edward said through clenched teeth.
"Okay, I will." Esme spoke up and moved from the door. We all exited the door leaving behind Renesmee and Esme. We all turned our nose to the air, looking for the vial scent of our target. As soon as we caught it the vampires weird off.

I transformed and ran up to catch up with them.
Armando you will regret the day you lead eyes on Renesmee.
I thought to myself.

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