Chapter 4

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My dad explained to me how my mom loved him, how she could not life with out my dad, how when he left her she did stupid reckless things.

He told me when my mom was hurting she turned to Jacob for help, and how Jacob and her were close and how when they tried to stop being friends they hurt each other.

He told me how she owned up and said that she does love Jacob. He told me about how much mom and Jacob care for each other.

After hearing my mom's similar situation and how she resolved it, it me think that there was hope.

Maybe one of them was my true love and the other was meant to be my best friend. When we reached the drive way I was hit by Jacob's sweet scent.

I saw him on the porch stairs, with is when body stretched across 5 steps. I just wanted to run up to him and hug him. I got out of the car and immediately I feel fuzzy and warm inside again.

I could feel the electrical current flowing between us. And how it got stronger when we were a few steps away.
"How was school?" He had a huge smile on his face. I could see the excitement in his eyes. But was it for me?

"School was great. I meet a lot of new people, but didn't learn anything new. " he looked so intrigued about how my day was.

We got inside the main house and started chatting.

Everyone was home except Grandpa Carlisle he was still at the hospital. Uncle Emmet and uncle Jasper were sitting by the television watching basket ball.

Uncle Jasper placed a bet on the Chicago Bulls and Uncle Emmet said that the L.A Lakers were going to win.

Jasper placed a lot of money on it -most probably asked Aunt Alice to see who will win.

Aunt Rosalie and Aunt Alice were watching a fashion show and talked about how they could do better.

Grandma was in the kitchen making dinner for me and Jacob. I could smell the spaghetti and meatballs.

My mom and dad were playing chess. Jacob took my hand and lead me and him to the piano. When he touched my hand I felt his body heat.

The electricity was so strong I thought I was going to blow up. For a moment everything seemed perfect, everything seemed happy -like a fair tale - but I knew it was to good to true.

After thinking that thought, Aunt Alice jumped up from her seat and and looked up in to space -might be having a vision- I thought. Uncle Jasper was at her side immediately.

"What do you see Alice?" Everyone's attention was on Aunt Alice, excluding my Dad, he already knew what was happening.

"He is coming. Here." My dad was already up and moving around the room trying to stay calm. My mom was at his side asking the same question as we all were :"Who? Who is coming?"

I started to panic. What if it was the Volturi? What is Aro changed his mind? I could feel my emotions running wild circles around me. I turned to Uncle Jasper for help.

He meet my gaze and immediately felt a calm, cool wave over come me. Sometimes I was glad that was Uncle Jasper's power.

Sometimes it is annoying.
"Could someone inform the rest of us who 'he ' is?" Uncle Emmet was getting agitated like the rest of us. "Armando Andrew, is coming here."

I fell frozen for 1 minute, trying to grasp what my dad just said. Armando Andrew is coming to our house..... why?

I could not understand why he would want to come to our house? Was it not enough that he knows we are vampires?

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