V. Just Imagine

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    Chapter 5,
    Just Imagine

   " This is the first time I would ever work beside someone whose a well known celebrity. "

  ~ Y/n's POV ~

     "Are you always this excited whenever you get a part in a film, tv show or commercial?"

   Silas asked me as Morgan settled her phone down onto my nightstand to say her goodbyes, it was around 9:26 in the night and I had finished packing yesterday, it had already been a week and I was to leave for Toronto tomorrow morning at six o'clock, sharp for the plane.
   Charlize and Beatrice already said goodbye and wished me luck but Morgan was the most emotional one so she waited until she knew she wouldn't cry anymore to say goodbye.

   Before anyone thinks that this was childish and that she shouldn't be crying over me leaving, this is the second movie that I have been in that meant that I would be far away so this is still new to both me and my friends.
   Morgan struggled with leaving as well so she would be found crying on the airplane or even at the airport, but we'll get used to it as time passes on.

    "Please don't cry, I'll be back before you even know it."

   I wiped away the fresh tears that streamed down my best friend's face, she smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist, I could feel as more tears dropped down to my bare shoulder which made me start to cry.
   As we pulled away from our hug, Silas was seen pretending to throw up and gag at our friendship before wishing me good luck and telling me that he'll miss me being around to annoy him.

   Silas was like an older brother to me, he was like an older brother to Charlize and Beatrice as well, he just acted like our brother when he realized that there was no way he was going to be getting rid of us.
   I smiled at him and waved goodbye before Morgan hung up on him, she helped me pack the last things that I needed before wishing me her very good luck and then saying goodnight.

    "I'll text you when I wake up and when I'm on the plane so you don't freak out, just remember that everything will be fine."

   I reassured my best friend, she nodded her head and smiled at me before walking out of my room with me trailing behind her, I walked down the steps and as we walked to the front door, I hugged her again and watched as she put her shoes on and left.
    Since it was already nine and I had to wake up early in the morning, I walked upstairs to my bedroom, shut off all of the lights and crawled into my bed where the warmth of my quilts took over the coldness of my body.

   It was a little difficult for me to sleep as I was way too excited to be in Canada, I still managed to close my eyes and drift off to sleep so that I wouldn't be exhausted when I have to wake up.

  When my alarm goes off, I jolt awake out of fear since I was in the deepest of sleep you could have ever been in, I turned it off quickly and got up from my bed before walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
   It was currently 4:07 in the morning and I had to wake up early for the reason being that I had to be at the airport by six sharp and I live an hour away from the airport meaning that I needed to wake up early, I turned on the very blinding lights and groaned.

    It's all worth it when you get to Canada and meet your costars, just think of that.

   I thought to myself as I splashed warm water on my face before doing my skincare routine, I nearly fell back to sleep when the warm water hit my face but I managed to stay awake, even if I was hanging on by a thread.
   When I finished my skincare, I patted my face dry and walked out of the bathroom, bumping into my dog when doing so, I smiled at her and pet her for about two minutes before walking to my room to make my bed.

    Not saying I'm always making my bed, I just make it whenever I have the chance, when it's done, I walk down the stairs so that I could have something to eat and drink before taking a shower and changing my clothes.
   I knew that I was going to be on a long flight so I made sure that I had some comfortable sweatpants and a cute crew neck, although I wasn't dressing up, I still wanted to look decent.

    "Just Imagine you're working beside a celebrity."

   My mother spoke as she walked down the stairs to make herself some coffee, I looked at her and laughed as that was something I have always imagined and always wanted to happen.
   I always wanted to meet my idols like Jennifer Aniston or maybe Zendaya, or if I am luck enough, I could meet Tom Holland.

   "What would you say to them?"

  My mom asked as she poured her black coffee into her mug and walked to the fridge to grab some milk, I looked at her thought of what I would say considering I didn't want to come off creepy or too weird.
   " This is the first time I would ever work beside someone whose a well known celebrity. "

    I responded before grabbing some bread and placing them in the toaster as I grabbed some milk and some strawberry syrup.

   Although I would love for that to happen, one can only imagine and I intend to imagine that it'll happen until I'm proved that it won't.

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