XIV. Well He's Off Limits

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Chapter 14,
Well He's Off Limits

" You two are just alike, so how can you act any more different? "

~ Y/n's POV ~

   The day moved so slowly for me that it makes me want to eat the food I hate and throw up just to see if the day would go faster than it already is, I only had four scenes today which meant that I didn't have anything to do for the rest of the day other than get under Mason's skin.
  So that was what I was going to do, at least he will give me attention, it may not be positive attention but that didn't matter, I wanted attention and I wanted to not be bored anymore so that was something I was going to do.

    I was in my trailer finishing up an essay that was due, I wasn't in summer school or anything but I had an essay that was given to me to do during the summer about how my summer is going and who have I met, this was an exciting essay by the way.
   Although I didn't actually finish, I had to write every single day without missing a single day, if I did miss a day then I would only get a point taken off out of a hundred.

    My mom said that I was an academic freak, I only wanted hundreds and nothing lower, a ninety was my limit and if I were to get anything lower than that then I would blow up and lock myself in my room until I could fix it.
   She wasn't wrong either, I'll admit that I have the habit of seeking for academic validation and if I wasn't being praised for having the highest score or grade in the class then I don't see the point in breathing the oxygen I need to survive anymore.

    Searching for Mason was like playing Where's Waldo, he could quite literally be anywhere and nobody would bat an eye because he always coms back the next day or so, I wish I had a tracking app to track where the hell he's at.
   But luckily, I was able to spot him but he was talking to another girl, I knew who she was as well but I wanted to see where this was going.

    They looked as if they were arguing but I didn't want to go any closer, so I stood where I was and watched as the two begin to make more obvious angry movements, and it was starting to make my blood boil, I wanted to grab a chair and whack the girl with it until the chair broke, and until I got splinters.
   When they finally stopped talking, Mason looked a little sadder han a dog being taken to the vet but the girl left looking more satisfied than ever, I moved behind the set and waited for the girl to walk closer before grabbing her and covering her mouth.

     "Who the hell do you think you are?!"

  The girl shrieked, her name is Danielle, she's a sixteen year old girl that only plays a background character, no hate to any of the background characters out there but I mean it, don't mingle with the main Character's love interest.

    "Now who the hell do you think you are?"

  My voice was low so I didn't have anyone checking in on us but just loud enough for her ears and her ears only, if anyone else were to hear then they would just be eavesdropping which isn't something you should do.
   Unless the conversation is about you, then do it.

   "What did you say to him, and if you lie so help me I'll break off all of your damn fingers."

   I muttered the threat under my breath but I know she heard it, I wanted her to hear it as well just so she knows that if anyone was going to make Mason's life a living hell, it was going to be me and only me, nobody else.
   Like what's the point in hating one another if other people are doing it? It loses its touch after a while and then it's going to make me want to be your friend which is what I'm trying to avoid so desperately.

    "I did what you do all the time, I make fun of how he acts and make him feel worse about himself. It's exactly what you're doing, i don't know what you're so pressed about."

    With a swift movement, my hands were grippng her hair as I had her chest pressed up against the metal part of the set without any hesitation, what I do is way different than what she does.
   I don't make him feel worse about himself, I make him hate me so that he could retaliate in the same way that I would.

    "If you ever tell him something that could potentially ruin his self esteem, only the lord can help you. I will show no mercy."

    I whispered into her ear before pulling her hair sharply, her head being pulled back making it crack, I walked from behind her and watched as she fell from the pulling of her hair, the impact of her skin hitting the ground was enough to break her skin.
   I don't help people who want to treat others less than, Mason is cute, I'll admit that, he can be a pain in the bum, I'll admit that, but do not bully him.

    I walked to my trailer as I began to take deep breaths, I was going to call Charlize and tell her what just happened and what I had done, I felt like she was going to lecture me about it but instead she kept smiling at me and waited for me to finish to say something about the topic.
   When i had finally finished speaking on what I had said and done to Danielle, Charlize opened her mouth only to close it back up again to rethink her words.

     " You two are just alike, so how can you act any more different? "

   Charlize stated, I only furrowed my eyebrows and rolled my eyes as I knew that I wasn't anything like Mason, unlike him I wasn't freakishly nice and I was completely fine with that as well, he wasn't anything like me either.
  Sometimes I just think my friends are so out of it that even their therapist and psychiatrist can't even help them, but that's only sometimes.

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