XV. Don't Get Too Excited

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    Chapter 15,
    Don't Get Too Excited

   " I said he was tolerable, I never said that I was catching feelings for him. Do not twist my words or intentions. "

~ Y/n's POV ~

   I didn't hang up the call with Charlize, she was starting to think that I had gone soft for Mason and began to grow feelings for him just because I didn't want someone else to make his life miserable, literally what's the fun in that? Taking away my candy from my baby, like you look dumb enough trying to act just like me anyways.
   Nobody can be me, I'm the original Y/n L/n, which is foreign language for, nobody can ever live the life that I have.

   Although I wanted to hang up on my friend for repeatedly telling me that I was growing feelings for the boy that I truly despises was something that was getting under my skin, I did not grow feelings for him and I don't think I ever will.
   She wants to believe what she wants to believe though and trying to convince her that her little ship is sinking faster than the titanic is going to be more difficult than what I had thought it was going to be.

    Why can't friends just make it easy for you and take the hint that you do not have any feelings for anybody that you either barely know or hate with all your heart, like it doesn't matter if it's a joke or not, I'm feelings irritated or even not heard when I tell you how I'm feeling.
   Not saying that Charlize or any of my friends don't value my feelings, I'm just saying that they need to take into consideration that being shipped with someone you despise is weird and distasteful at times, especially if the person had ever disrespected you.

    "He's tolerable at times, I mean he isn't half as bad when we're around people, if you understand what I'm saying."

    I walked to my fridge and opened it, pulling out a couple of grapes and walking back to the couch before popping one in my mouth, Charlize's hand smacked straight up to her mouth and she looked at me with a big grin.
    "Oh my God, you're so catching feelings for the boy!"

   Charlize beamed as she got up from her bed, I looked at her and shook my head as my eyes began to feel like they were bulging out of my sockets, just because I'm starting to tolerate the person that I hate doesn't mean that I have any kind of feelings for him whatsoever.
   " I said he was tolerable, I never said that I was catching feelings for him. Do no twist my words or intentions. "

   I explained quickly, Charlize still didn't believe me but I didn't care, as long as I know the truth then what everyone else thinks isn't my problem at all, of course everyone has their own opinions so no matter how much convincing I do, she's not going to believe me.
   When I was younger, I used to get so stressed out when people didn't believe me on what I said and always made me question myself on whether or not I was being truthful even though deep down, I knew that I was.

    So as I grew up, I learned that no matter how much good you can do and how much convincing you can do, there will always be people who wouldn't believe you, even if they know you were telling the truth.
   But this isn't the case, Charlize was just doing it to do it, she just wanted to see if I would realize that I had a big crush on him although I don't, yes I thought he was attractive but that's all.

    There wasn't a single time I had ever thought about getting with him, there wasn't a single time where I believed that he would want to be with me and we would date for many years and counting, I never once ever thought that the person I hated would take a chance with me.
   But then the night comes and I believe that he and I would be together once we get over this hating thing, even when I knew that the words he would tell me could be true.

    I just wanted to have a little bit of faith that would stop being enemies and maybe just be lovers, but really what the hell is love when there's no hell to raise before dating? With all the tension you have, you realize your feelings for the person in front of you.
  But I'm not getting too excited, I don't wanna let my guard down and he decides to knock me out of the clouds.

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