XXI. The Kissing Scene

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   Chapter 21,
     The Kissing Scene

  " I just don't want to believe that we were doing so good and you messed it up! "

~ Y/n's POV ~

    Today was Saturday, September 24th which meant that today was the day that I have my first kiss with Mason, I was more nervous than excited as I never kissed someone before and I didn't want to have to redo it a million times for the reason that I'm a bad kisser, I just have no experience and today would be my first.
   I'm just going to have faith in myself and pretend that I'm a better kisser than what I actually am, I don't want to have any fake confidence but I don't want to seem like I'm not confident at all, it's better to fake it than to embarrass yourself.

    That's what I'm going to do, I want to prove that I can be a good kisser even without any experience because I know that deep down, there's not really any bad kissers, just people who aren't experienced as well as others are.
   You just got to teach them or they teach themselves, that's what Charlize always told me anyways.

     Anyways, as I was in hair and makeup, I watched as my hair was being styled and a glossy pink lip gloss was applied on my lips, I couldn't help but continue to think about the fact that I would be kissing someone that I had feelings for.
   This is every fan's dream and a dream that everyone has when they have a crush on someone, I was a little less nervous and more excited about the kissing scene, I kept reminding myself that when we kiss, no feelings involved.

    The reason behind this, is I don't want to kiss him and believe that this is him kissing me and not his character, as much as I want to believe that the kiss is coming from us two and not the characters or the script, I can't.
   I fear that if I do believe that, then I knew that I would end up in tears and heartbroken if he tells me that he doesn't actually like me and this was all just for the script, which it is.

  When I was done with hair and makeup, I walked to go put on the clothes that were set for me and got dressed, as I walked out of the changing rooms and walked to the set, that's when I saw him.
   Mason looked rest pretty in his blue colored shirt and pretty black pants, he had amazing black and white high tops and his hair was styled with a middle part.

    I didn't know if it was my feelings for him but I knew right then and there, once our lips would lock, my fears and nerves would melt away and I would feel safer in his arms than any other man or boy that I have known.
   When it was time for the scene to start, I walked onto the set and stared right Mason as he stared back at me, I felt as if my heart was racing but I had to relax myself.

    Mason moved closer to me which freaked me out a bit, I hadn't really realized or processed the fact we were about to kiss and it just now hit me, I didn't want to get cold feet and run off the set so I walked closer to him.
   The scene was in the middle of the living room, I was standing in front of the couch as Mason slowly snaked his hand around my waist and looked down at me, I felt butterflies but smiled up at him before moving my hand around his neck.

    "You're so pretty.."

   Mason muttered to me, I felt a smile grow bigger, I wasn't supposed to reply to that so I didn't and instead just went a little bit on my tip toes and moved my lips onto his.
  Feeling much more confident than ever, I felt happy, I kissed him once just like in the script but Mason pulled me back in by my waist and kissed me again, I couldn't contain my laughter and pulled away.

    " I just don't want to believe that we were doing so good and you messed it up! "

    Mason joked, I smiled at him knowing that we were doing good in the scene but I couldn't get the nerves to relax so I started to laugh, I didn't want to be the cause of redoing this kiss scene so I closed my eyes and nodded when the director asked if I was ready again.
   This time I wouldn't laugh and the scene would come out as perfect as ever, I'm sure there will be edits of this when the movie does come out but that was the exciting part of it all.

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